Today’s Wordle Answer for Friday, July 12


Have fun on Friday with our Wordle lend a hand. Use our tips to brush up on your daily technique, ponder our fresh July 12 (1119) puzzle clue while sipping your morning beverage, or go straight to a sure win with today’s Wordle answer. However you like to play, we’ve got something for you.

Is one green letter really too many, Wordle? Please? Anything? Anywhere? Apparently so. I didn’t manage to get today’s answer together until the very end, and even then only because I put together a word from the untested letters I had left. Phew.

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Today’s Wordle Tip

(Photo credit: Josh Wardle)

Wordle Today: Tip for Friday, July 12

It’s a word that means a tiny period of time or a tiny wait, but it’s not something you’d exploit unless you’re an old-fashioned Englishman with a butler. “I’ll be back in _____” is something they might say.

Is there a double letter in Wordle today?

Yes, there is a double letter in today’s puzzle

Wordle Help: 3 Tips to Beat Wordle Every Day

A good word to start with can be the difference between victory and defeat in your daily puzzle, but once you’ve mastered the basics, it’ll be much easier to achieve Wordle victories. And since there’s nothing like a compact victory to set you up for the rest of your day, here are a few tips to lend a hand you get on the right track:

  • A good beginning should contain a combination of unique consonants and vowels.
  • Quickly narrow down your pool of letters by taking a tactical approach.
  • Pay attention to letters that appear more than once in the answer.

There’s no race against the clock in Wordle, so you don’t have to rush to answer. Treating the game like a regular newspaper crossword can be a good tactic; that way, you can come back to it later if you don’t know anything. Stepping away for a moment can mean the difference between winning and a line of gray squares.

Wordle’s Answer Today

(Photo source: Future)

What is Wordle’s response today?

It’s Friday, let’s have fun. Reply to July 12 (1119) Wordle is JIFFY.

Previous Wordle Answers

Last 10 Wordle Answers

Previous Wordle answers can give you some great ideas for fun words to start with, which will keep your daily puzzle solving fresh. They are also a good way to eliminate guesswork for today’s Wordle, since it is unlikely that the answer will be repeated.

Here are some recent answers on Wordle:

  • July 11: CAMEO
  • 10th of July: EMACIATED
  • July 9: THUNDER
  • July 8: SHAPE
  • July 7: CANON
  • July 6: SQUAT
  • July 5: CRUSH
  • 4th of July: DEBUT
  • July 3: THIGH
  • July 2: MARQUETRY

Learn more about Wordle

(Photo source: Nurphoto via Getty)

Wordle gives you six rows of five squares each day, and your job is to guess what secret five-letter word is hidden in each one to keep your winning streak going.

You should start with a powerful word like ARISE or any other word that has a good mix of common consonants and lots of vowels. You’ll also want to avoid starting words with repeated letters, as you’ll waste the chance to potentially eliminate or confirm an extra letter. Once you hit enter, you’ll see which answers are correct and which aren’t. If the box changes to ⬛️, that means that letter isn’t in the secret word at all. 🟨 means that the letter is in the word, but not in that position. 🟩 means that you have the right letter in the right place.

Your second guess should follow up on the initial word by using another “good” word to cover any common letters you missed last time, while also trying to avoid any letters you now know for sure aren’t in today’s answer. With any luck, you should have a few colored squares to work with and set yourself on the right track.

Then it’s just a matter of using what you’ve learned to narrow down your guess to the right word. You have six tries in total, and you can only exploit real words (so don’t fill in the EEEEE boxes to see if there’s an E there). Don’t forget that letters can be repeated too (like BOOKS).

If you need further advice, you can check out our Wordle Tipsand if you want to find out which words have already been used, you can scroll to the appropriate section above.

Wordle was originally invented by a software engineer Josh Wardleas a surprise for his partner who loves word games. From there, the game spread to his family and eventually was released to the public. The word game has inspired a ton of games like Wordlefocusing the everyday gadget around music, math or geography. It didn’t take long for Wordle to become so popular that sold to the New York Times for a seven-figure sum. It’s probably only a matter of time before we communicate exclusively using three-colored squares.

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