How to Recruit Arthur Mountbatten as a Companion in Fallout: London


As you wander around Fallout: London, searching for unusual phone booths, dolls, and a ton of strange people, you can also meet a lot of companions who will join you on your journey. One such companion who won’t shut up is Arthur Mountbattenan elegantly dressed ghoul who finds himself in a strange situation.

However, if you lend a hand Mountbatten out of this predicament, he’ll happily lend a hand you explore post-apocalyptic London. He’s a talkative guy who carries a revolver, which makes him good in combat. Without further ado, here’s how to recruit Arthur Mountbatten as a companion in Fallout: London.

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How to Recruit Arthur Mountbatten as a Companion in Fallout: London

Recruiting Arthur Mountbatten as a companion in Fallout: London is relatively basic if you know where to look. This ghoul was found hanging from a tree in Hackney after some people refused to pay their taxes, which is fine.

To enter Hackney, you need to go to this part of the map and kill some hooligans. | Image Source: VG247/Bethesda/Team FOLON

Hackney is located in the northeastern corner of the Fallout London map. To reach Mountbatten, follow the wall to the northeastern corner of the map until you reach a petite hooligan hut; it is marked on the map above.

A player looks at the Hackney checkpoint in the Fallout 4 mod, Fallout London
Mountbatten is right next to this checkpoint. | Image Source: VG247/Bethesda/Team FOLON

Throw out the hooligans and along the wall on your right you should see a huge, glowing “Hackney Checkpoint” sign. On your left you’ll see Mountbatten hanging upside down from a tree.

Talk to him and he will of course ask to be released. If you would rather he not accompany you now, leave him there, but if you want to see what a ghoul is capable of, free him.

A player talks to Arthur Mountbatten in the Fallout 4 mod, Fallout London
Image Source: VG247/Bethesda/Team FOLON

Then you can invite him to travel with you. However, if you already have a companion, such as Keira or Archie, you must dismiss them first before Mountbatten will agree.

You can talk to him for a long history lesson on the Mountbatten family if you feel like it. If there’s one thing Mountbatten loves to do, it’s talk about himself!

For more on Fallout: London, read about how to cure Railway Spine, learn how to recruit Churchill’s dog, and explore all the factions in the Wasteland.

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