Apex Legends Tier List September 2024


If you’re looking to try out Apex Legends, you’ll definitely want to know which legends and weapons are the best we have to offer. Apex Legends Tier List keep up with the game’s ever-changing meta. But remember, we maintain that it’s best to operate what you’re comfortable with and what you like – if your favorite weapon is P2020 and your favorite character is Mirage, who are we to stop you (although you may not win many matches).

Of course, if you want to learn more about the Legends themselves, you should check out our Apex Legends character list . We also have a handy guide to the current Apex Legends season and the latest Apex Legends patch notes so you can stay up to date with all the latest news.

Whether you want to have fun in public matches or climb the ranks, here are our Apex Legends tier lists for Season 22.

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Apex Legends Tier List

Rung Apex Legends Character
S Bangalore, Conduit, Wattson, Crypto, Revenant
AND Valkyrie, Caustic, Wraith, Lifeline, Loba, Gibraltar, Vantage, Newcastle
B Maggie, Fuse, Fortune Teller, Catalyst, Rampart
C Alter, Ash, Mirage, Ballistic, Octane

Apex Legends Weapon Tier Lists

Rung Apex Legends Weapons
S Bocek, SMG CAR, Flatline, Hemlok, Nemesis, R-301
AND Eva-Auto, G-7 Scout, Havoc, Mastiff, Peacekeeper, Prowler PDW, R-99, Triple-Take LMG, Volt SMG, Wingman
B 30-30 Repeater, Alternator, L-STAR, Rampage, Spitfire
C Charge Rifle, Longbow DMR, Mozambique
D P2020, RE-45

If you’re all Apex-ed, why not check out our list of the best multiplayer mobile games to find something recent to play? We can also tell you what the best mobile shooters are for some similar games,

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