3 Minute Analysis – Energy Boost Stimulus Pack[3分間の分析 — エネルギーブーストスチームパック]
Hi, my name is Blueioi, leader of the Superwalk WLB team.
Hello, this is Blueioi, leader of the Super Walk WLB team.
Today, the Energy Boost – Stim Pack update has been released. Now let’s check the effectiveness of the Energy Boost – Stim Pack itself.
Today, the Energy Boost update – Stimpak was released. Now, let’s test the real energy boost – Stimpak.
Assuming we open 100 of them, we can calculate the time we can get, and in that case we can probably get 2100 minutes. This means we have a probability of gettingg 21 minutes per subject. In addition, the value of the energy boost that can be obtained with each Stim Pack is uniformly 25%. Therefore, we can also determine the average value of the actual energy boost. This value is 125% energy boost.
From this we can conclude that the value of one Stim energy injection 1Grnd pack is equivalent to 21 minutes and increases energy by 125%.
You can calculate the time you get assuming that you open 100 pieces, in which case you will probably get 2100 minutes. In other words,21 minutes per pieceThis means that the probability of obtaining . The value of the energy enhance obtained with each stimulation package is a constant 25%. Therefore, the average value of the actual energy enhance can also be determined. Its value isEnergy boost 125%Is.
It worksThe value of 1 Energy Boost Stimulant Pack 1Grnd can cause 21 minutes of 125% Energy Boost.