Another extension for World of Warcraft is brisk approaching and although we won’t be able to start The war within to August, up-to-date pre-patch is set to release on July 23. While the pre-patch doesn’t feature much narrative content or any up-to-date zones, it does include two massive features: Warbands and Skyriding. These changes, along with a number of smaller fixes, balance updates, and a up-to-date event, should shake up the MMO as we transition from Flight of the Dragon and in the future.
The first major change in the patch will be very noticeable as soon as players log in: a up-to-date character selection screen. With Warbands, players will be able to enjoy account-wide progression, allowing them to share fame, bank, achievements, collections, and other goodies. When you log in for the pre-patch, you’ll see your four characters sitting around a campfire. There will be more scenes to choose from in the future, but for now, I’m just elated to see my various characters sitting around having fun, rather than sitting, unused and dusty, on the back shelf.
One of Flight of the DragonThe most praised features were Dragonriding, a up-to-date flight system that’s much more vigorous than the original technique of flying in a straight line. That system is getting an update in this patch and a up-to-date name: Skyriding. Skyriding will apply to all throwable mounts, and all will perform the same tricks as the Dragon Isles Drakes. However, if you prefer the original style, now called Steady Flight, you can switch between the two.
There will also be a pre-update event that will showcase the story The war withinFrom July 30 to August 26, players who have completed Flight of the Dragon questline will unlock a questline called “Visions of Azeroth.” Players will “face the memories of Azeroth” in Dalaran, Dragonblight, Dustwallow Marsh, and Searing Gorge. In doing so, they will earn a up-to-date currency, Residual Memories, that will allow them to purchase up-to-date cosmetic items for their Warband collection.
The war within is set to launch on August 26; players who pre-ordered the Epic Edition of the expansion will be able to get early access on August 22.