Ultimate Fantasy 14 comes with tons of optional content including allied attackswhich are huge 24-person dungeons. If you’ve recently caught up on the game’s main story, it may be worth working on unlocking these raids.
It is worth noting that most of the equipment from these raids (except the last one Endwalker raid) is quite dated, although many of them are really impressive. You can also get things like minions, orchestral reels, and Triple Triad cards from these raids. (Not to mention the history of each of these raiding lines is good!)
FFXIV Alliance Raids and Alliance Raid Roulette explained
Once you have unlocked two of these raids, you will unlock them Alliance raid roulette in the Duty Finder, rewarding you with loads of EXP and Poetics for queuing up for a randomly selected one of these raids.
Unlocking and completing alliance raids is completely optional, except The Reborn Kingdom alliance raid series, Crystal Tower. While it used to be optional, in patch 5.3 it became a mandatory part of the story. However, if you have already completed the “Time for Each Goal” main scenario task, you do not need to complete it.
That said, we list where to unlock everything FFXIV allied attacks below. We show you where to start, but once you complete the tasks you will need to continue talking to nearby NPCs using a blue task marker with a plus sign above their heads to continue progress.
Where to unlock A Realm Reborn alliance raids, “Crystal Tower”
The three raids in this series were “Labyrinth of the Ancients“, “Sykrus Tower,“And”World of Darkness“
To start this raid, you need to complete the main scenario quest “The Ultimate Weapon” and then talk to the NPC named A strange man in Mor Dhona in the space below to start the “Legacy of Allag” side quest:
Quests that actually unlock duties in the questline have the same name as their corresponding alliance raid. (So the task “Labyrinth of the Ancients” unlocks the raid of the same name.)
Where to unlock the Heavensward “Shadow of Mhacha” alliance raids
Troika Heaven Alliance raids are “Ark of the Void“, “The weeping city of Mhach“And”Dun Scaith“
To unlock these raids, you must complete the main scenario quest “To Heaven”. You can start the “Sky Pirates” side quest from the NPC Restless Pillar Merchant (Ishgard) in the space below:
The names of the actual quests that unlock duties throughout the story are as follows:
- “To rule the sky” unlocks the “Ark of the Void”
- “Crying City” unlocks “The Crying City of Mhach”
- “Where shadows reign” unlocks “Dun Scaith”
Where to unlock Stormblood ‘Return to Ivalice’ alliance raids
Troika Stormblood Alliance raids are “The royal city of Rabanastre“, “Ridorana lighthouse“And”Orbonne Monastery“
To start this questline, you must have completed the “Stormblood” MSQ. It starts with an NPC Keiten in Kugane with the “Dramatis Personae” quest in the following location:
The names of the actual quests that unlock duties throughout the story are as follows:
- “Fallen city” unlocks “Royal City of Rabanastre”
- “Annihilation” unlocks “Ridoran’s Lighthouse”
- “City of Lost Angels” unlocks “Orbonne Monastery”
Where to Unlock Shadowbringer Alliance Raids, ‘YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse’
The Shadow carriers Alliance Raids is a crossover with the Nier series. Throughout the three raids, you’ll see familiar faces like 2B and 9S”, “Copied factory“, “Puppet Bunker“And”Tower in Paradigm Violation“
To fully unlock these raids, you must complete the “Shadowbringers” MSQ. Talk to A gossiping dwarf in Kholusia in the space below to begin “The Word on Komra.”
The names of the actual quests that unlock duties throughout the story are as follows:
- “On the Threshold” unlocks “Copied Factory”
- “Everything you know is wrong” unlocks “Puppet Bunker”
- “Brave new world” unlocks the “Tower in Paradigm Breach”
Where to Unlock Endwalker’s Mythos of the Realm Alliance Raids
The Endwalker Alliance raids are “Aglaia“, “Euphrosine“And”Waist“
To begin this questline, you must have completed the “Brother’s Sorrow” MSQ. Once you’ve done this, you’ll be able to talk to A fresh-faced student at Old Sharlayan to start the “Mission to Mor Dhona” quest.
The names of the actual quests that unlock duties throughout the story are as follows:
- “Kingdom of the Gods” unlocks “Aglaia”
- “Return to the Ghost Realm” unlocks “Euphrosyne”
- “The heart of the myth” unlocks “Thaleia”
Where to unlock Dawntrail ‘Echoes of Vana’diel’ alliance raids
Only Trail of Dawn alliance raids so far include “Jeuno: The First Walk.”
To start this questline, you must have completed the “Traces of Dawn” MSQ. Once you’ve done this, you’ll be able to talk to Hoobigo’s messenger in Tuliyolla to start the “Unearthly Encounter” quest.
The name of the actual quest that unlocks the duty is as follows:
- “Unearthly Encounter” unlocks Jeuno: The First Walk.
The Echoes of Vana’diel Alliance Raid Series will consist of two consecutive raids – one that will begin with Patch 7.3 and the other that will begin with Patch 7.5, provided the game continues to operate on previous expansion schedules.
If you are just starting out in a huge world Ultimate Fantasy 14we have plenty of guides to assist you. We’ve got a beginner’s guide to assist you get started, along with guides detailing when you’ll get your mount and which Grand Company you should join.
If you’re starting out but feeling overwhelmed, we’ve got guides to assist you choose a job and a guide to explain how long it takes to get through FFXIV and keep up with current content.
We also have guides for side content like deep sea fishing, relic weapons, and Island Sanctuary for those who want a break from it all.