We already said 10 Dead Doves was great a few years ago, but it’s really great, so I’m saying it again


Rebecca Jones (RPS in peace) really liked 10 Dead Doves when she wrote about it in 2022, saying it reminded her why she “loves weird, low-budget horror movies so much.” Discovering such an intriguing design shows curiosity and taste on her part, but me? I’m just a buff who likes puns who got an email promising that “dove horrors await.” The point of the email was that the game now has a December release date, but it looked good, so I got involved right away. I cooed, I didn’t resist. I, too, love weird, low-budget horror movies. I was pigeonholed.

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Unlike the suggested narrative concept centered largely around poisoned chips, 10 Dead Doves begins with Marcus – “the most pathetic man on Earth” – backpacking the Appalachian Trail with his buddy Sean in search of an urban legend called “Ant Homestead” .The presentation includes all made of medium polymer paper and fixed angles, tank controls and so on. You can grab it demonstration hereBy the way.

It’s probably part excuse and part time constraints, but the highest praise I can give for what I played in 10 Dead Doves is that I don’t feel like I could have adequately done it, verbally honestly, in anything less than much longer article. I will say this: although I do not feel that this is in any way an attempt to create an independent equivalent of an A24 film, it is feel that my colleagues at A24 will probably appreciate it. I would almost compare it to Indika in the way it employs camera techniques, spatial tricks, and disorienting craftsmanship that feel typical of a movie but are actually executed in a way that only a game could succeed.

If this sounds too precious or lofty, I should say it’s also just very entertaining. Nothing sums up the bold, avant-garde approach better than the developers singing the game’s title acapella on the splash screen. Some of the language used in the more bizarre bits is winking and baroque, and the way the characters’ faces flit between expressive expressions is brilliant. I haven’t actually finished the entire demo as I plan on downloading it on launch day, but it’s a must-have for me this year. Then it’s Columbidae-te. Something for a huge part of ornithology enthusiasts and independent horror fans.

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