Vulcan Forged presents the Frenzy Pass, which can be used to obtain LAVA


  • The Vulcan Studios Frenzy Pass will be available for purchase from October 24, 2024.
  • It costs $5 in PYR and is required to earn LAVA in all Vulcan Studios games starting October 28.
  • LAVA, the currency of the Elysium blockchain, can be exchanged for PYR or used on the Vulcan marketplace.

Excitement is in the air at Studio Vulcan With beginning With Frenzy Passwhich will be available from the beginning October 24, 2024.

This transition becomes requirements for all players who want to make money LAVA in games on the platform starting October 28.

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Frenzy Pass, what does it cost? $5must be purchased in PYR, the platform’s native token.

To make a purchase, users can access “My earnings” section in My Forge, where they will find the right tab for Frenzy Pass.

From there they will have the option to pay with funds from their main wallet or marketplace.

Information comes from official statement from Vulcan Studioswhich emphasizes the importance Frenzy Pass in upbringing LAVA dynamic economy in your gaming ecosystem.

LAVA it’s not just currency Blockchain Elysium, but it also serves as gas for transactions on the platform.

Players have flexibility replace LAVA with PYR By Elysium Swap, enabling them to participate in a variety of transactions and activities within the Vulcan community.

The pass is crucial not only for earning money LAVA but also opens the door to various possibilities within the platform.

With total supply a billion LAVAits value is influenced by the demand generated by players’ activities.

Featured aspect Frenzy Pass is this it there are no limits for the amount LAVA which can be earned within a month, motivating players to actively participate in the competition.

Additionally, users can rest assured of what they will receive email reminders three days before your pass expires, allowing you to renew your pass on time and continue enjoying your rewards.

Vulcan Forged presents the Frenzy Pass, which can be used to obtain LAVA

Why choose Frenzy Pass Vulcan Studios?

Benefits of Frenzy Pass extension everything Studio Vulcan users.

Both landowners and Cedalions need this pass to make money LAVA.

Implementation of a system in which landowners can sponsor pass for them Cedallions also reflects Vulcan Studios’ inclusive approach.

This creates a more connected community where users can share and maximize their earnings.

Moreover, using PYR as a payment method instead USDT, Vulcan Studios aims to avoid price volatility that could impact the user experience.

This decision, supported by previous consultations, is consistent with the objective of assurance more stable and reliable gaming environment.

WITH Frenzy Pass, Vulcan Studios It’s not just revolutionizing the way LAVA it is earned and used, but also determined the standard in the blockchain gaming economy.

Therefore, all players are invited to take part in this up-to-date era of gaming where their efforts are focused truly rewarding.

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