All the Wordle lend a hand you could ever want is waiting below, ready to give you as much advice as you need. Start your game on October 26 (1225) as best as possible with our tip. Or operate today’s answer and win in record time if you want – it’s entirely up to you.
How many times can someone be so close to the answer and still not get it right? In my experience, too much. I was so sure that I solved the Saturday Wordle in record time, but the answer evaded me every time. It’s as if he was deliberately saving himself for the last line.
Today’s Wordle prompt
Wordle today: Hint for Saturday, October 26
This word is used when a lot of harm or damage has been done, especially if it goes uncontrolled. Often combined with “confusion”.
Is there a double letter in Wordle today?
No, there are no double letters in today’s puzzle.
Wordle Help: 3 Tips to Beat Wordle Every Day
A good word to start with can be the difference between victory and defeat in your daily puzzle, but once you master the basics, it will be much easier to determine Wordle wins. And since nothing will prepare you for the rest of the day like a diminutive victory, here are some tips to lend a hand get you on the right track:
- A good starting answer should contain a mix of unique consonants and vowels.
- Quickly narrow down your pool of letters using a tactical second guess.
- Watch out for letters that appear more than once in the answer.
With Wordle there is no race against time, so you don’t have to rush to answer. Treating the game like a regular newspaper crossword can be a good tactic; this way you can come back to it later if you are left blank. Stepping back for a moment can mean the difference between victory and a line of gray squares.
Today’s Wordle Answer
What is today’s Wordle answer?
Here’s your latest win. The response to Wordle of October 26 (1225) reads: AVENGE.
Previous Wordle answers
Last 10 Wordle replies
The previous answers on Wordle can give you great ideas for fun starter words that will keep your daily puzzle solving fresh. They are also a good way to eliminate the guesswork in today’s Wordle, as the answer is unlikely to be repeated.
Here are some recent Wordle answers:
- October 25: Frown
- October 24: IMPERIOUS
- October 23: GOOFY
- October 22: SCREAM
- October 21: SPOON
- October 20: RISKY
- October 19: FIBER
- October 18: SKIMP
- October 17: BISECT
- October 16: GRANT
Learn more about Wordle
Wordle gives you six rows of five boxes every day, and you have to guess what secret five-letter word is inside them to keep your streak going.
You should start with a robust word like ARISE or another word with a good mix of common consonants and lots of vowels. You’ll also want to avoid starting words with repeated letters because you’re wasting the opportunity to potentially eliminate or confirm an extra letter. After pressing Enter, you will see which ones are correct and which are incorrect. If the box turns ⬛️, it means that this letter is not in the secret word at all. 🟨 means the letter is in the word but not in that position. 🟩 means you have the right letter in the right place.
Your second guess should complete the starting word, using another “good” word to cover any common letters you missed last time, while also trying to avoid letters that you now know are not present in today’s answer. With any luck you should have some colored squares to work with and get you on the right path.
Then all you need to do is operate what you’ve learned to narrow down your guesses to the right word. You have six attempts in total and you can only operate real words (so you don’t have to fill in the EEEEE fields to see if the letter E is there). Don’t forget that letters can also be repeated (e.g. BOOKS).
If you need further advice, check out ours Wordle tipsand if you want to find out which words have already been used, you can scroll to the appropriate section above.
Wordle was originally invented by a software engineer Josh Wardleas a surprise for your partner who loves word games. From there it spread to his family and was eventually released to the public. Since then, the word puzzle game has inspired many people games like Wordlefocusing everyday tricks around music, math or geography. It didn’t take long for Wordle to become so popular sold to the New York Times for a seven-figure sum. Surely it’s only a matter of time before we all communicate only in three-colored boxes.