The best Camellyi build in Wuthering Waves – weapons, Echoes, team compositions and sequences


Camellya, probably the most popular character since then Roaring waves release, version 1.4 is finally out and it’s a doozy. If you want to learn how to play her properly and equip her properly, read on as I’m going to dive into what this famed character is all about.

Camellya’s best compilation in Wuthering Waves

There is a camellia Havoc DPS character, focusing on dealing as much damage as possible when he is on the field, which is most of the time. This is thanks to the many buffs he rewards throughout his rotation. Camellya is also a “position dancer”, meaning she constantly switches between two different sets of moves, which is a commonly misunderstood aspect of her character.

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Camellyi’s game plan

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The complexity of Camellyi’s kit may not seem apparent at first glance, but once you start digging into it, there’s plenty to learn, practice, and improve.

A budding state

Your goal with Camellya is to reach her Budding condition as quickly as possible, as most of her skills gain significant damage buffs while she is busy. He enters this state by fully charging her gig meter and activating her ability. This will trigger her Forte circuit, Ephemeralwhich unleashes the most powerful attack in her kit, putting her into the Budding State.

The damage augment gained in the Beginning State depends entirely on the number of stacks Crimson buds she had before summoning Ephemeral. Crimson Bud stacks are gained when Camellya deals damage while doing this Crimson Poles or her Forte Bar. Each attack she lands depletes the meter while increasing her Crimson Bud stacks to 10. For each Crimson Bud stack, she gains a massive, stacking damage buff when using Ephemeral (which also applies to Ephemeral Explosion) while in the Budding State. You’ll know Camellya is in the Budding State when it is aura of red petals around her.

Camellya vs. Wix in Wuthering Tides
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When Camellya casts Ephemeral, her Forte Gauge is completely filled, but cannot be used to recover Crimson Bud charges while the Budding State is busy. Her Forte bar is also refilled every time she uses it Introductory skill. You want to do both to make sure Camellya gets all the charges and buffs she needs.

This sounds more confusing than it actually is and is a situation where you’ll need to do a few test runs to get a real, practical sense of the flow.

Changing attitudes: the normal state and the flourishing state

Camellya can access two additional states, both necessary for an easier transition to the budding state. These are her Normal condition AND Flowering state.

  • Normal condition (White Hair) – Camellyi’s attack strings emphasize single-target grounded damage. It has minimal splitting, but should be your favorite state when fighting bosses as it deals more damage than the Bloom State.
  • Flowering state (Red Hair) – Camellya flies into the air and remains stationary unless dodged first. Her chains of attacks transform into wide area attacks, perfect for cutting through immense groups of enemies.

Camellya can seamlessly switch between the Normal and Bloom states at any time. Her Bloom State can (and should) be canceled by pressing the Jump button, which will recharge her Skill is not used.

Camellya in flowering state
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There is much more nuance to Camellya’s stance. For example, he can cancel any action by changing his stance, opening up access to advanced techniques that can turn the tide of a fight if you take the time to master them.

  • Canceling a string – Changing Stance allows Camellya to cancel any animation in her set, including attack strings. Thanks to this, you can skip unwanted parts of her combos in any stance, smoothly transition to a novel series, minimize attack lag frames and gain a more advantageous position during combat.
  • Dodge without stamina in the Flower state – While Camellya is airborne in the Flower State, it can only move through Evasion, which costs Stamina. However, if he avoids an attack in this state by dodging, will regain all of its used stamina.

While there are likely more advanced techniques to master with Camellya, your main goal should be to build up her Gig and get her into the budding state as efficiently as possible, making sure you have 10 stacks of Crimson Bud when you cast Ephemeral. Once you’re there, employ it Normal condition for dealing damage per second to a single target and employ it Bloom State for AoE DPS. Then rinse and repeat.

Best echoes for Camellya in Wuthering Waves

Dreamless Echo for Camellya in Wuthering Waves
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Camellya deals massive damage, leaving her with one optimal choice of Echo Set: Solar eclipse. The perfect Echo setup for her is “43311”, which refers to the Echo Cost for all five Echo equipment slots.

  • 4-cost echo (Critical DMG) – No dreams or no crown
  • Echoes with a cost of 3 (Bonus Havoc DMG or ATK%) – Any
  • Echoes cost 1 (ATK%) – any

Make sure you employ Dreamless or Crownless as Camellya’s busy Echo so that she gains the damage bonus from them.

The best weapon for Camellya in Wuthering Waves

Camellyi's red spring in the windy waves
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Camellya’s signature weapon, Red Springis definitely her best song because it’s tailor-made for her hit song. One of its most powerful elements requires the wielder to employ Concert Energy, but Camellya is currently the only character who can do this while remaining on the battlefield, making her the best option.

The only other real option for Camellyi is Genesis Emeraldbecause it’s a solid, all-around stat metric for any sword-wielding character. However, keep in mind that Red Spring is significantly superior to Genesis Emerald for Camellya due to the way her set works.

Best team compositions for Camellya in Wuthering Tides

Camellya is a very selfish character. He wants to have the field to himself most of the time due to the Budding State. If you switch to another character while she is in Budding State, she will lose all of the benefits of doing so, which is extremely detrimental to her overall game plan.

As such, Camellya prefers a strict rotation within her team, as she is the last one to take the field and remains there when all other buffs are activated.


Camellyi's ensemble in Wuthering Waves
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This is Camellya’s best composition, allowing her to stay on the field for a long time without losing any buffs. Start by having Shorekeeper generate enough Gig to fill it with his ultimate. Then trigger Sanhau’s intro and perform her quick skill, ultimate and ponderous attack combo. This combo should completely fill Sanhau’s Concert, allowing Camellyi to kick in and execute his game plan. If necessary, Danjin can replace Sanhau and Verina can take over as Shorekeeper, although the results will be somewhat suboptimal.

The best sequences for Camellya in “Wuthering Waves”.

Camellya is one of the few characters in Windy waves which benefits greatly from its Sequence. This doesn’t mean it isn’t capable of living in S0, but there is a significant difference between that and even S2. Without a doubt, S3 this is the best stopping point, but it’s a little deeper. If you’re interested in what her entire Sequence does, here they are, condensed for your clarity.

Camellyi sequences in the windy waves
Photo by Destructoid
  • Where No One Traveled (S1) – When Camellya uses her intro skill, she gains a free 28% Critical Hit for 18 seconds and grants her immunity to disruption while casting ephemeral. It’s a decent sequence, but not enough to make it worthwhile unless you get past it.
  • Calling the Silent Rose (S2) – Ephemeral DMG multiplier is increased by 120%. This sequence more than doubles the damage of Camellya’s most powerful skill. It’s really good. Get it if you can.
  • A bud decorated with thorns (S3) – Increased Camellya’s ultimate DMG by 50% and she gains a massive 58% ATK buff while in her budding state. This is also a dramatic augment in Camellya’s damage output, so I recommend this as a stopping point.
Camellya in battle – Wuthering Waves
Image via Kuro Games
  • Roots Rooted Deep in Eternity (S4) – Camellya’s intro skill gives her entire team 25% base attack DMG for 30 seconds. This isn’t very good at the moment due to the lack of characters with a basic attack to work with Camellya, but this could be a potentially powerful sequence in the future.
  • Infinity in the palm of your hand (S5) – Camellya’s Intro skill deals 303% more damage and her Outro skill deals 68% more damage. It’s a nice bonus, but not worth going for unless it’s a stepping stone to her S6.
  • Bloom for you a thousand times (S6) – Oh, boy. This one is crazy. There’s a lot of technical jargon behind this Sequence in the game, but here’s the gist: When you employ Camellya’s Ephemera, if you complete her Concert within 15 seconds of casting, she will be able to cast her secondary version called Perennial (on a separate cooldown). This basically allows her to enter the budding state twice as often, and if that wasn’t crazy enough, the damage bonus from the state is increased by 250%. This is S6. What did you expect?

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