The best AS VAL loadout and class build in Black Ops 6


The the best AS VAL equipment IN Black Ops 6 it’s the perfect choice for anyone who wants to hide and stay under the radar. This is because it comes with an integrated suppressor, and while the weapon requires different compromises to accommodate this and maintain balance, it basically means you have six attachments.

The biggest drawback of the AS VAL is its magazine size, as it only holds 20 rounds before it needs to be reloaded. However, if you dedicate one expansion slot to improving this aspect, you can focus the rest of your build on managing recoil and strengthening the damage range, as this is a weapon you want to play quite slowly with and will undoubtedly be on our best weapons list soon. It competes with both the XM4 and AMES 85, the two assault rifles currently at the top of the list.

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Here the best AS VAL equipment in Black Ops 6the best class to utilize with it and how to unlock the weapon.

How to unlock AS VAL in Black Ops 6

To unlock AS VAL in Black Ops 6you need to reach level 55. That’s right: AS VAL is the last weapon you’ll unlock before reaching prestige Black Ops 6so you have quite a slog ahead of you if you just focus on using it. Of course, if you choose to prestige, you will lose access to AS VAL, as reaching this rank resets all your unlocks. So to continue using it, be prepared to sit at level 55 for a while.

The best AS VAL gear in Black Ops 6

Photo: Treyarch/Activision via Polygon

Here’s AS VAL’s best gear Black Ops 6: :

  • Optical: Accu-Spot Ultra Holo
  • Barrel: Damped, reinforced barrel
  • Underbarrel: Vertical front grip
  • Warehouse: Extended magazine II
  • Fire Mods: Recoil springs

First of all, AS VAL is not a weapon you want to run and slide around the room with. Shoots too slowly for this style of play; instead, you’ll want to move tactically, pre-aiming around corners and using cover to your advantage. For this reason, it is a great search and destroy weapon, although it can still be used in spawn modes if necessary.

The optical sight you choose is largely a matter of personal preference, but we found it Accu-Spot Ultra Holo be the best because it has higher magnification than red dot sights and you will be fighting mainly at medium and long ranges. You can replace this with something else if you prefer, but the other attachments are more essential.

All barrel mounts are suppressed here thanks to the mentioned built-in silencer, a Reinforced barrel is definitely the best choice as it increases both damage range and projectile speed. The latter isn’t as essential in multiplayer as it is in Warzone because the distances you’ll be fighting at aren’t far enough for it to make much of a difference, but the bonus is still helpful. Then Vertical front grip is a huge aid in reducing horizontal recoil since AS VAL is not terrifying when it comes to gun control, it’s also not the best.

As mentioned, the AS VAL comes with an incredibly compact magazine by default, only holding 20 rounds, so we suggest equipping it with either Extended Mage I or II. We opted for the latter option because the downsides aren’t too severe if you play slowly – reload nerf, aiming down, and sprinting to fire speed – but if you find that they bother you too much, go for Extended Mage I. Finally Recoil springs do what it says on the tin: tighten up recoil control.

The best AS VAL class in Black Ops 6

The menu shows the best class equipment for AS VAL in Black Ops 6

Photo: Treyarch/Activision via Polygon

Here is the best class to utilize with AS VAL in Black Ops 6: :

  • Gun: Grechowa
  • Fight: Knife
  • Tactical: Flash
  • Mortal: Frag
  • Field update: Spring Mine
  • Perk 1: Ghost
  • Perk 2: Abstract
  • Perk 3: Cold-blooded
  • Specialty: Recognition
  • Wild card: Greed for benefits
  • Perk 4: Mask Tray

The Grechowa is the best choice for your sidearm because it is fully automatic and can be reliably switched when you want to take down enemies up close while Knife is almost always the best choice for melee. Then go to Flashwhich is currently by far the strongest tactical grenade in the game due to the duration of the blinding effect. When it comes to a killer option, you can never go wrong with the venerable reliable one Frag Grenade.

In the field upgrade slot, select: Spring Mine. Since you play slowly, you can utilize this to protect a path behind you or on your flank, or you can just drop it where enemies least expect it. (However, if you often die from grenades, change this for the trophy system.)

Take advantage of the blue perks that will enhance this stealth play style: Ghost protects you from enemy UAVs while moving, Abstract allows you to see enemy footprints, and aiming at an enemy automatically signals them, while Cold-blooded prevents you from being targeted by enemy point bursts. (It’s more effective in respawn-based modes, though, so switch to Vigilance if you’re playing Search & Destroy.) While it’s been nerfed a bit, Recognition the specialization that briefly provides X-ray vision is still very forceful.

Finally, it rounds off with Greed for benefits wildcard i Mask Tray. However, since you don’t utilize the trophy system, you can change it to Flak Jacket if you prefer, or if you do utilize the trophy system, consider Scavenger or Fast Hands in the spawn modes.

Elsewhere, we’ve got multiplayer explainers on the best weapons, maps and double XP, campaign guides on hideout puzzles and protected code locations, and the Zombies Liberty Falls vault code.

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