Team Tremor disqualified from DBDLeague after refusing to rejoin match following known error


DBDLegue has confirmed that Team Tremor has been disqualified from Season 9 for failing to rejoin within the deadline following the discovery and ruling on a specific error that the referees believed occurred in the previous match.

As DBDLeague Season 9 continues until June, the official body recently released a statement clarifying that Team Tremor, one of the competing teams, has been disqualified. For clarity, the official announcement states that Team Tremor was disqualified for leaving the league voice chat and not rejoining by the deadline. However, all this happened because of a mistake and the referee’s decision about it.

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Team Tremor has left DBDLEague following a ruling regarding a known checkbox bug

DBDLeague’s statement was released shortly after Team Tremor’s disqualification. Provides detailed information on events as they occurred, showing how all teams were informed of a bug that prevents Survivors from detaching each other if the Killer is too close to the hook. This error was triggered during the Team Tremor match and the referees decided that a rematch should be held. The Tremor team will be punished, although not as severely.

DBDLeague clearly states that this decision was made in the interest of fairness. The error is inconsistent and may have been triggered accidentally, which is why Team Tremor was not punished as severely as it otherwise would have been and therefore a rematch was anticipated.

Team Tremor for some reason left the DBDLeague voice chat after hearing the decision and never returned. As a result, the team was disqualified from Season 9. Players were suspended indefinitely in order for DBDLeague to demonstrate the integrity of esports.

Twitter user Ahren posted several videos showing the error in action and notifying Team Tremor of the decision. I repeatedly made it clear to the team that they were not being accused of cheating or intentionally causing a bug, but they still quit and disappeared.

DBDLeague is the closest thing to it Dead in daylight Esports you can find. In the game, teams of players compete with each other for the highest possible results in groups of five, divided into a team of Survivors and one Killer. Not all players join the same match together. Instead, a Killer from one team will face Survivors from another team and vice versa, and the results of these matches will determine who wins.

The Dead in daylight Since the game’s release, the esports scene has struggled to recover. Bugs and constant improvements to Behavior Interactive’s Perks and Killers make it extremely arduous to establish fair competition for everyone. However, DBDLeague seems to be doing great in its ninth season. These types of judgments can be arduous, but they demonstrate the severity with which potential fraud is treated.

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