Riot intends to host the next 2XKO Lab Beta Test in Spring 2025


Do you want to go back to 2XKO? Have you missed the first time and want to try it with freshness and enthusiasm? Well, there is good news! According to an official post from 2XKO game director Shaun Rivera, the team intends to conduct a second Alpha Lab test in spring 2025.

this post, which you can now read in full on TwitterRivera says this test will be available in more regions than the first, which should be good news for those who were initially unable to participate. Additionally, it will introduce several key changes. This includes Jinx, which just received its own gameplay trailer today, as well as gameplay changes including improved controls and less downtime.

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This is of course good news. Although the Alpha Lab 2XKO test performed too well (as Rivera’s post indicates), players left the experience with some opinions about the game. And since the game didn’t appear at Worlds 2024, we didn’t have a chance to check whether these comments were taken into account. It looks like the first real chance to find out will come early next year. It is also worth noting that if you had access to the first Alpha Lab test, you do not have to sign up for the next one.

With the game’s release date set for a vague 2025, this anticipated Alpha Lab test also got me wondering how gigantic the overall 2XKO package will be at launch. In Jinx’s case, that makes a total of seven. At the rate they are being revealed and added to the game, how many characters will 2XKO reach in version 1.0?

I’m betting there will be 10. You want the 2v2 fighter to have an even number of characters, and at the current rate they’re coming out, the tenth installment should arrive sometime in the second half of next year. Or I’m completely wrong and the 2XKO team is missing the point. That’s the best thing about this bet, even if I lose, I smile. More characters would be lush.

Are you excited to take part in the next Alpha Lab 2XKO test? Let us know below!

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