Remember the Doom mod that lets you kill Margaret Thatcher? You can now try to beat Jeremy Corbyn’s world record on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S, but not on Switch


Do you remember Techbase Thatcher, Moose a mod that lets you kill the tardy former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, whose actions while in office made her more hated by working-class people than even the many conservatives who followed in her footsteps from the 1980s onwards? Well, it’s now playable on up-to-date PlayStation and Xbox consoles.

If this is your first time hearing about Thatcher’s technology base, first of all Where have you been?? Oh, and secondly, it basically turns a classic shooter into a fight against the demonic forces of robo-Thatcher, complete with enough Union Jacks to effectively convince you you’re in a hellish dystopia.

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Now, thanks to Bethesda and Id Software they just released DOOM + DOOM IIIn the “definitive enhanced versions” of two classic games, featuring “cross-platform online deathmatch and co-op for up to 16 players” and “support for community-published single-player mods” via the in-game mod browser, you can kill Thatcher on up-to-date consoles.

“Good news everyone! Thatcher’s Techbase is available to download and play in the new official DOOM + DOOM II port that was released yesterday,” the mod’s creator Jim Purvis wrote on Twitter, initially assuming it would allow the game to be played on PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch.

However, in devastating news for people looking to blast Thatcher’s dude-killing levels in between Mario Kart races, it turns out that the latter is still Techbaseless. So, to be clear, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One appear to be the only novel platforms to receive the mod via the remaster.

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