ReFantazio Metaphor: More follower response guides


Completing Metaphor Bond More Followers ReFantazio gives you a double MAG bonus and lots of Imagination. More’s follower bond works differently than everyone else’s, but the basic idea of ​​talking to More and choosing the right answers is the same.

Our more followers answer guide gives you the best options for each question to get you the most MAG. You’ll need a lot of MAG to unlock more Archetypes and learn novel Inherited Skills, and since completing More’s Bond is one of the best ways to raise your Royal Imagination Virtue, it’s worth taking the time to meet his requirements. If a question appears in his bond and we haven’t included it, then the answer doesn’t matter. Choose what you want.

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How to start a bond with More’s followers

The bond with the Follower of More begins automatically on June 5 during your fortress raid, specifically in the battle with the Man. More is your first Follower, and just like Strohl and Hulkenberg’s bond, he’s impossible to miss. Unlike other Metaphor bonds, More levels up when you meet certain Archetype requirements, much like the Velvet Room guards in Persona 5, albeit without the fusion. More’s follower bonuses are a little dull until you max out his bond value, though studying the archetypes he asks for is a astute way to make sure you’re keeping up with the right classes at the right time.

More replies at level 2 followers

More’s second rank is unlocked once you reach level 10 with the healer archetype. This is the one you get from Maria before starting the Grand Trad Cathedral proper, and reaching level 10 with any character will fulfill the requirements.

Thanks to research and the amplified influence of Your Archetype, a flash of memory came back to me.

  • Answer: Each choice gives +1

This power of Archetypes – This is primal magic. And it could shake the foundations of everything we know

  • Answer: “You might be right” and “It could change the world” are both +3

More replies at level 3 followers

This rank becomes available after initiating the Follower of Neuras bond. Check out our Sagittarius unlock guide to find out how.

Only then will I be able to escape the king’s curse and leave this place

  • Answer: “I will help you” (+2)

More replies at level 4 followers

Rank 4 is unlocked after reaching level 15 with any Merchant character. Acquiring a Merchant involves establishing a bond with Brigitta, and to do this you’ll want to gain wisdom levels quickly.

If this novel was a source of support for you, then it was worth the effort of writing it

  • Answer: You deserve a lot of praise (+3)

More replies at level 5 followers

To start a conversation at level 5, you must have unlocked at least 15 Archetypes. In this case, you just need to unlock them and have them at level 1. You don’t need to level them any further for now.

It seems I’ve never liked people

But now I wonder if some things are better forgotten

  • Answer: I won’t cheat on you (+3)

More replies at level 6 followers

Rank 6 becomes available after raising the General Archetype to level 15. The General is the second Archetype in the Commander branch, so you must first unlock the Commander by raising the Bardon bond to rank 3 and then the Commander level to 20. Then, you can replace the character that has reached the level commander 20, to General and start his level to 15.

Our research is progressing rapidly. Thank you…

  • Answer: Is something still bothering you? (+1)

If I was not locked here by royal decree, but by the decision of my peers… have I made a grave mistake?

  • Answer: What’s wrong with that? (+3)

More replies at level 7 followers

Rank 7 becomes available after reaching level 1 in 25 different Archetypes.


The pieces are falling into place… It looks like the time has finally come to discover the truth

  • Answer: “Let’s find out together” and “I’m on your side” give +3

More replies at level 8 followers

More’s final bond rank requires reaching level 20 with any elite archetype. These are the final branches of the Archetype bloodline, the ones that are only unlocked by maximizing your bond with another character – a Samurai or a Warlock, for example.

…but I admit I don’t regret being proven wrong

  • I could have told you that (+2)

If we ever meet in this mind space, I won’t be able to give you a single letter

  • Answer: All choices give +4

If you need more lend a hand with Metaphor, check out our picks for the best Metaphor ReFantazio archetypes to see which classes you should prioritize.

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