The non-E3 season may be coming to an end, but Nintendo has set a Summer Direct date for this week.
Nintendo, which always leaves its announcement until the last minute, has finally confirmed that its annual Summer Direct will take place tomorrow, June 18, at 7am PT/10am ET/3pm BST. It will run for about 40 minutes and promise to display games that are scheduled to be released later this year. It’s no surprise that this is all Nintendo had to share, but it’s consistent in its timidity when it comes to Directs. You can watch the Direct via Nintendo Youtube Or Cramp channels. One thing you definitely shouldn’t expect to see at the reveal is the Nintendo Switch 2 – the developer confirmed this last month and reiterated it in the Direct announcement, so whatever its successor is likely won’t be revealed until at least the end of the year.
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As for what games might appear, that’s a bit of a mystery. I imagine Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD will be watched considering it releases at the end of the month. Perhaps the spotlight will be on Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition, which launches in July. But outside of these two, no first-party Nintendo titles have been announced yet. Sure, there’s Metroid Prime 4, but it’s more likely to be a Switch 2 title, right? Pokemon Legends ZA is also scheduled for release in 2025, and it will likely be shown in Pokemon Presents anyway.
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Basically, you can probably expect a lot of third-party titles (no, I doubt Silksong will be there) and some surprising, maybe a bit more adventurous first-party titles. After all, this year’s February Direct revealed the recent Endless Ocean, a game I never thought would get a sequel, so anything is possible. We might finally get the Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and Twilight Princess Switch ports that leaks have been saying have been true for years! Either way, the Direct is less than a day away, so we don’t have to wait very long.