Streamer Perrikaryal finally beat Elden Ring: Shadow of Erdtreefinal boss after a grueling run through the DLC and dozens of hours of fighting this boss in particular. Of course, what’s most impressive is that she did all of this using only her mind.
It took Perrikaryal 20 hours and 314 attempts defeat the final boss of the DLC, but it still wasn’t the hardest she’s faced on her journey. A 3-minute break and 100 attempts separate this boss from the one that gave her the most trouble. The streamer announced her victory on Twitter with a clip of the final fight. If you don’t mind the boss being ruined, I highly recommend I watch this and that and the whole run Cramp.
The mind is more powerful than the worst things FromSoftware
When The shadow of the Erd tree was after the release, Perrikaryal took up the challenge and started playing using her incredibly unique EKG controller, effectively translating brainwaves into controller commands. After defeating the first boss in the DLC, she clearly gained the confidence to move on and take on everything it has to offer.
To make this possible, Perrikaryal has tuned a set of brainwaves into her EKG controller and set them as specific inputs. This allows her to trigger certain actions, such as attacking or healing, by sensing things like heat or spinning a plate. She has put together a comprehensive video of how it all works if you want to check it out for your own challenge. Or, like me, just to wrap your head around it all so you can understand what’s going on during this monumental run of the game.
The final boss in Ring of FireDLC’s are no joke. Some of my friends took over 50 hours to beat it, using a controller and every other advantage you can imagine in terms of items, power-ups, and levels in the game. When I see someone beat it in any other way, like Miss Mikkaa destroying two simultaneous runs on a controller and a dance mat, I’m impressed.
Perrikaryal’s incredible gameplay should show anyone who has given up on the final boss or any other boss in the game, Ring of Firethat they definitely have a chance to break through. We have no word on what the streamer will be running with her EKG controller next, but I can’t wait to see her smash another game with it.