I liked it very much Adventures with Lego Horizonthe game is exactly what it sounds like. It presents an embellished version of events Horizon Zero Dawn, the first game in a series of post-apocalyptic adventures in the open world by Guerrilla studio, with colorful Lego bricks and the slapstick humor you’d expect from a beautifully crafted YouTube parody, all wrapped up in a elementary but sometimes challenging platformer. But it’s also such a strange experiment by Sony and developer Guerrilla Games that I wonder why Horizon is a series that the PlayStation gods considered a spin-off made of Lego bricks.
Adventures with Lego Horizon“the strangest twist HorizonThe world is about the main character, Aloy, as she fits a bit oddly into the fun and bright world of the Lego adaptation. The bow-wielding hero of almost every segment Horizon The media is often characterized as stoic, opinionated, and perhaps even a little harsh towards people struggling to make sense of a rapidly changing world. Aloy minifigure Adventures with Lego Horizonin contrast, she’s a silly little girl who’s just happy to be there. I understand the change in tone from a very serious action RPG to a family platformer, but I was surprised that Guerrilla didn’t go in that direction Lego Batman a way to show Aloy’s seriousness against a more comic backdrop.
The effects of Aloy losing her thoughtful demeanor are this Adventures with Lego Horizon it’s a real bang. The game effectively parodies the post-apocalyptic, story-driven story that fans have come to know and love, making fun of how silly it all sounds when you try to describe it to someone who doesn’t play the games. I admire how eager Guerrilla was to get rid of this story Horizon Zero Dawn down down to the smallest parts, without taking any of them seriously. There are some good bits of banter and buffoonery between Aloy’s block bow shooting or Erend’s Lego-on-a-stick swinging. I forgot how endearing that is HorizonThe characters can be like this when I’m not playing any of these games, and even these over-the-top imitations reminded me that I’m at least somewhat attached to Aloy and her friends.
Although I have questions and concerns about how to do this Adventures with Lego Horizon I chose to exaggerate the personalities of my characters, when I fight robot dinosaurs made of Lego bricks, I see a vision of the entire game. Adventures with Lego Horizon adapts Horizonconcepts into ordinary Lego the game structure is pretty good. Seeing Aloy and friends turn into blocky blades of red grass as they moved through various places to hide from enemies made me chuckle, but hitting enemies in their weak spots and watching them break away as they would in any other place Horizon the game is when Adventures with Lego Horizon clicked. It still has most of the platformers from the marathon collection Lego games, and most of the platformers are pretty standard and unremarkable, but care has been taken to make an impression Horizon game.

Although the fights don’t seem as scary and overwhelming in scale as the main ones Horizon games, the same basic rules with Zero dawn AND Forbidden West still apply. Majority Adventures with Lego Horizon or you run through blocky recreations of the world of Guerrilla, almost exclusively interrupted by encounters with hordes of enemies that are easy to deal with in one-on-one fights, but can become chaotic and even challenging when they face you. Just like they do in others Horizon in the games, each robot has specific weak spots that need to be targeted and broken off to deal extra damage, but this kind of precision only seems necessary once you get to some of the higher-ranking enemies. Otherwise, it’s just about firing arrows in the general direction of the enemy, but there are enough tools and different playstyles between characters to shake things up. Some of them are torn out right away Horizonsuch as tripods that bring to mind the Tripcaster in the main games. However, there are also some weirder additions, like a hot dog stand that scatters explosives over a small area – which is certainly cool, but also feels out of place in a game that usually focuses on paying homage to the source of the material. And the problem of identity doesn’t just start and end with a deadly hot dog stand.
Though Horizon As you’d expect, there are fingerprints throughout the game, and there are other Lego promotions from different universes Adventures with Lego Horizonand these can be quite irritating. Why Aloy can wear Ninjago costumes and engage in other cross-promotional nonsense? Is this part of the contract of being Lego game? Is each property embedded in some multiverse full of other properties throwing buckets of blocks at each other? It’s a small nuance in the grand scheme of things, because when Adventures with Lego Horizon engages in a bit of parody Horizonthis is the most enjoyable.
Adventures with Lego Horizon it’s a fun little experiment and I wouldn’t be surprised to see Sony do it again if it works. Could this become a trend for Sony, which is so risk-averse on its large franchises, to create more? Lego parodies of his greatest names? Maybe. I would be delighted to see something like this LEGO God of War make fun of Kratos and Atreus’ dysfunctional father-son relationship. Horizon I think this is such a strange choice for A Lego a game that I can’t imagine would be a one-off to fill the gap between 2022 games Forbidden West and whatever else.
Sony is focusing more on the development of the franchise, expanding its games to other platforms and even other media like film and television these days. The cynic in me could easily call this a growth game Horizon and other series into additional sources of revenue. Horizon already has Lego sets for sale, and thanks to brand synergy, money flows faster than you can say “bonding toy.” At least, Adventures with Lego Horizon it feels like a game made with love for the property it’s based on, rather than as a cynical money grab. Whatever happens next, I can at least say that.