Thirst Trip Trophy w Life is Strange: Double Exposure requires Max to water both plants in Chapter 2. Gwen will be cheerful that someone is taking care of her.
Where to water the first plant in Life is Strange: Double Exposure
During the second chapter Life is Strange: Double Exposure in the “At the Corners” scene, you can water Gwen’s plant in her office. Press the right shoulder button on your controller or spacebar on your keyboard to skip long cutscenes if you have completed this part of the game. Gwen’s office is located in the Fine Arts Building (FAB). After she is kicked out by the security guard, sneak into her office. Enter the dead reality.
In the right corner of the room, next to the aquarium, you will see a shriveled plant. It’s under the flyer and its “Remember” and “Burning Mermaids” posters. You have the option of watering the plant.
Where to water your Max plant
Also in the second chapter of Penumbra, you will have the opportunity to water Max’s plant in her house. Skip to the Photo Finished scene at the end of the chapter. Don’t get distracted by the cat and the evidence. Instead, go to the Massive Plant in the left corner of the room, next to the windows and poetry books.

Select “Water” to complete the quest and earn the Thirst Trip trophy or achievement. You are one step closer to platinum! You can complete other tasks such as solving Abraxas’ puzzles and reading all of Platypus’s messages.