As the name suggests, 7 days to die gives you a very generous week before everything turns to mud and blood. On the night of the seventh, the Blood Moon rises and hordes of zombies attack your position. Without careful preparation and planning, you may end your run prematurely. We are here to support!
Here’s how to survive your first Blood Moon in 7 days to die!
What is a Blood Moon?
Whether you’re a up-to-date player or returning and looking for a refresher course, you’ll want to memorize the knowledge that will raise your chances of survival. To that end, let’s discuss this all-important Blood Moon.
A Blood Moon occurs every seven days (though you can change this time frame in the game settings). When the red moon rises, a unique horde appears nearby and immediately heads your way.
It all starts with that one wave of the horde attacking your position. Whether you’re in your base or not, whether you’re completely quiet or firing guns left and right, the horde always knows exactly where you are. But after the first wave is defeated, it only gets worse — more waves of the undead keep coming until the Blood Moon ends at 4 AM.
These hordes are made up of zombies of varying numbers and types, depending on what stage of the game you are at, calculated based on player level, difficulty setting, and number of days survived.
How to Survive a Blood Moon
The following tips will raise your chances of survival during a Blood Moon, but your skills, equipment, and a bit of luck also affect your chances.
Fortify your base or structure before the Blood Moon
While it is entirely possible to survive a Blood Moon while playing as a nomad, it is not ideal. You will likely need a base or fortifications, especially as a up-to-date player.
For the first Blood Moon, you may not have the materials to build an entire fort from scratch. As such, we recommend reinforcing an existing structure. Many of the things you find in the world should suit your needs, but if possible, find a two-story building that you can climb up and destroy the stairs.
This tactic won’t stop the zombies completely, but it will leisurely them down enough for you to get off a few shots with your favorite rifle or pistol!
Complete tasks for traders

If you don’t meticulously loot every point of interest and house you come across in your first week, there’s a good chance you won’t have the resources necessary to survive the Blood Moon horde. However, the game directs you to a trader early on. Use this merchant to stock up on indispensable supplies, including weapons, ammo, building materials, and support items like food, water, and medkits.
Some of the early Trader Rekt quests reward you with a makeshift rifle that will kill most zombies in one hit on a headshot. It’s useful for clearing out a diminutive group of the undead, as long as you can get the shot off without panicking.
Additionally, Rekt and other merchants will reward you with Skill Stores, which unlock additional crafting plans and improve your skills. These crafting plans allow you to construct what you need to survive, and better skills and stats mean you live longer.
General Tips and Tricks for Surviving a Blood Moon
- If you can’t build a base or fortify a two-story structure, find a higher position to survive the night. You can climb to the top of a skyscraper, set up shop on top of a strip club, or even better, in a silo!
- Whether you have a bow and arrow or a rifle, bring plenty of ammo to last you through the night. If you think you’ve made enough, make a little extra as a safety measure.
- Wooden Spikes are one of the most cost effective and valuable traps you can create in the game. If you have enough wood (x20 on Wooden Spikes), you can surround your home and reduce the number of undead that enter it.
While there is nothing wrong with dying, especially if this is your first time facing a Blood Moon, it is simply wise to take steps that will give you the best chance of survival. In time, you will discover that obtaining legendary partswhich allow you to build better and more powerful weapons, making the Blood Moon less terrifying and challenging!