While passing through Avarex in Warhammer 40K: Space Marines 2you come across evidence that Necromunda is wreaking havoc on the Forge World. It’s preventing other Imperial forces from advancing, but you volunteer to take it down in a three-on-one fight.
The first truly noteworthy boss you’ll face in the game is Necromunda. Warhammer 40K: Space Marines 2. While others like Lictor are challenging, Necromunda is a really tough boss to fight if you don’t know what you’re doing. He has a few distinct attack patterns that you have to counter, otherwise you’ll never kill him and avenge the fallen Space Marines who attacked him before you.
How to defeat the Necromunda boss in Warhammer 40K: Space Marines 2
The Necromunda fight is a battle that goes through phases. The first is a fairly standard fight between you, the boss, and a few smaller Tyranids who will try to slash your knees. Kill the smaller Tyranids, then focus your fire on Necromunda. This floating enemy will throw psychic attacks at you, but they are all transmitted via icons on the screen. Avoid them when you see them and deal damage.
The boss won’t always be in the air, but when he is there he will summon a green lithe to your position to deal damage. This can affect most of the arena, and the only way to get away from him is to dodge. I managed to avoid most of the damage by staying away from the boss. The further away you are, the less damage you should take. This is similar to the Carnifex boss fight, but Necromunda won’t go into a phase where he will relentlessly pursue you.
As the boss drops to the floor, he will start emitting a green pulse that will knock you down. You need to dodge through it and get close to Necromunda. You can break through his shield and start hacking away at him with your melee weapon. This does the most damage of all the phases, but it doesn’t last long. Shortly after your attack, the boss will get up and hit you with another pulse that will deal a ton of damage.
Keep attacking and eventually you’ll weaken the boss enough to be able to execute him. The best weapon is whatever you want to operate, but I recommend the Heavy Bolter. It can do a ton of damage and you should be able to reload it fairly easily from the ammo crates in the arena. If you have any grenades, throw them at Necromunda while the boss is on the ground, as they don’t do any damage if he’s in the air.