Penacons this is the third area you will visit Honkai: Star Railwayand with it comes newness treasure AND riddles finish on the planet. With over 100 modern things to find, it can be very arduous to search through them all at once.
Many locations in Penacona will only be unlocked after completing certain portions of Trailblaze’s main missions or completing certain puzzles. For this reason, we recommend hunting down all the treasure after completing the story.
Most maps have hidden loot that goes beyond the usual treasure chests. When you open the map you will notice a chest icon in the top left corner with numbers next to it. Indicates how many different types of loot you’ve found. However, this counter only displays treasures that are not hidden behind puzzles or perilous enemies (powerful monsters guarding chests) and Warp Trotters.
How Penacona’s treasure chests work
Opening chests and solving puzzles around Penacona will be rewarded Clock creditswhich you can turn in to level the Clockie statue in the center of the Golden Hour. Leveling up the statue grants rewards such as Stellar Jade and other goodies.
There are many modern types of puzzles available in Penacony, including sliding mirror puzzles and letter puzzles (with pieces that must be matched to form a picture). Most importantly, when browsing the maps, you can find a modern type of collectible under the treasure chest: “Lord’s waste bins” These garbage pails ask you a question and if you answer correctly, they will give you a prize. If you answer wrong, they’ll engage you in a battle – and then you’ll still get the same reward, so don’t worry about answering wrong.
Penacony also has a lot of maps that will have you walking on walls; there’s a map there 3D. While it is obviously arduous for us to convey information about where to find every chest, Warp Trotter, or Lordly Trashcan in these spaces, we have tried to show where the chests are located with circles indicating which platform the object is on.
Reverie Treasure Chest Locations (Reality).
The first door on the left opens after completing the “Space Star” quest. To open the second door from the left, you must complete the “Trees as a Room” task.
Golden Hour Treasure Chest Locations
To get to the tiny room to the southwest, you’ll need to exploit Hanu’s TV on the second floor of the Golden Hour.
Dream’s Edge Treasure Chest Locations
Childhood dream treasure chest locations
Reverie (Dreamscape) treasure chest locations.
Dreamscape F1
To get to the southernmost part of this level and the 3D room, you must enter the Arcane Artwork on the east side of F3, marked by the intersection image icon.
Dreamscape F2
Reverie (dreamscape) F3
Treasure chest locations in the Dewlight Pavilion
To access the 3D room to the northeast, you must speak to Burton, the NPC just outside the door. After going through the 3D room a few times and finding chests (which don’t count towards the chest counter in the corner of the map), you’ll eventually reach Hanu’s puzzle. Two chests Down counter inputs are part of the Hanu puzzle.
Rosa’s Pavilion (Urban Sandbox)
Treasure chest locations in the Clock Studios theme park
Clock Studios F1 Amusement Park
To reach this northern area, you must enter the Hanu door, accessible from the northern part of the second floor.
Clock Studios F2 Amusement Park
One of the treasure chests in the southern Hanu puzzle area can be tricky. The hidden chest is behind a sign next to Hanu’s TV, and you’ll have to take advantage of Hanu’s tiny stature to get behind it.
Another hidden chest is behind the Bubble Pinball Machine to the south. Position it this way to launch it to a hidden platform:
Dreamflux Reef Treasure Chest Locations
Interact with the purple bubbles to the south to obtain the first Trashcan Lord in the area.
To reach the eastern rooftop area, insert the Aideen token into the lantern in the connecting plaza area.
Treasure chest locations in the SoulGlad Scorchsand interrogation area
Paths you did not choose in part of this area of the main scenario will become available after completing the adventure mission “Holidays in Scorchsand“
Please note that each of these areas has secret paths to unlock more things in each zone. To unlock these paths you need to talk to NPC about soda in each zone, then enter the Audition Shuttle. When you select a path, it will tell you what you need to do to create the secret path in the lower right corner. If you’re having trouble, just press the prompt buttons with a question mark until all three checkmarks appear in the corner.
We highly recommend running through this area for the lore and then completing the aforementioned side quest, stopping to talk to any Mr. Soda NPC you encounter. Talk to all six in each zone, then activate the secrets in the interrogation shuttles. Finally, you will be able to fully explore each zone.
Given the complexity of this map, we have divided each area by the number they are ordered by in the game.
SoulGlad Scorchsand 1 audition location
Lordly Trashcans and Warp Trotter will only appear if you have chosen the aforementioned hidden route to these areas.
SoulGlad Scorchsand 2 audition location
The bottom floor of the Shooting Trial and the smaller, puzzle-filled islands on the eastern side of the Time Trial are closed off behind hidden paths leading to these areas.
SoulGlad Scorchsand 3 audition location
Chests on these maps will appear regardless of the path you take here, but if you take the hidden routes, there’s a little surprise waiting for you in the middle areas of both arenas.
Treasure chest locations of the Grand Theater of Penacona
There are 3D Dreamscape rooms in this area hugebut luckily you should run into all the crates pretty quickly if you just follow the path forward in each area. The path in each 3D room is quite linear, so luckily there aren’t many places to get lost.
There is a side quest associated with the southeastern 3D room. Talk to the NPC just outside the portal to start the “Loothunt in Mazeville” quest. Any chests inside are related to the quest only – there are no chests that count towards the treasure counter that appears on the map, so it is not included on our map.
The bunch of crates on the east side by the bar are also related to the nearby Hanu puzzle. Completing the challenge will spawn three chests.
Radiant Feldspar Treasure Chest Locations
The ship added in version 2.3 is initially named “Radiant Feldspar”, but after completing the “Hearts in the Clouds” side quest, the boat’s name will be changed depending on your choice: “Stern of the Trail”, “Talalov”, or “Soaring Clock Hand”. For continuity, we exploit its original name in this guide.
Penacony Paperfold University College
This area was added in version 2.6 as part of the side story “Banana Outrage: Battles Without Ninja and Humanity”.
If you are looking for more chests and loot Honkai: Star Railwayyou can also check out our complete maps of Herta, Xianzhou Luofu, and Jarilo-VI space stations.