You have many options to create a forceful Genshin Impact Kinich Buildand some of his best companions are characters you probably already have or can get for free. Kinich is a main DPS whose kit scales with offense, and whose Nightsoul Blessing ability powers up when the right elemental reaction occurs. That’s it. That’s all you need – a ton of offense and a little fire.
Our Genshin Impact Kinich build highlights his best weapons and artifacts. We also have some recommendations for Kinich’s team.
Genshin Impact Kinich Build
Genshin Impact Kinich Weapon
Kinich needs the stats that most main DPS characters need – Offense, Critical Hit Rate, and Critical Damage – and the way his ability works means he benefits little from the passives found on most claymores. His signature weapon, Fang of the Mountain Kingincreases the equipping character’s critical strike rate and gives them a stack of Canopy’s Favor when they hit with an elemental ability, which Kinich often does. If a teammate triggers a burn or bloom, the equipping character gains three stacks. Up to six, and each stack increases the elemental ability and burst damage by 10 percent for six seconds.
Wolf’s Tombstone it acts as a 5-star alternative, with a secondary stat that increases attack and a passive that boosts it even more. The character who equips it has their attack increased by an additional 40 percent if they attack an enemy with 30 percent HP or less. Pride towards the sky is a slightly less good, but still fully functional choice. It gives Kinich a petite energy boost and increases all of his damage by eight percent.
The strongest 4-star option is Snake Backwhich you can earn once you reach Battle Pass level 30. It increases the user’s damage by six/10 percent for every four seconds they remain on the field, stacks five times, and is only removed if the character takes damage. They also take slightly more damage, but if Bennett is on your team, this isn’t a problem.
Katsuragikiri Nagamasa is a useful – and free – weapon that you can forge in Inazuma after obtaining the schematic. It gives the character who equips it an Energy Boost buff and increases the damage of elemental skills by six/12 percent, and since it’s a craftable weapon, you can achieve that 12 percent buff without relying on luck and Primogems.
Finally, if you have Flowers sent by post from one of the substantial events of 2023, you can try it out and see if you like it. It gives the user a decent boost to Elemental Mastery with its secondary skill, and provides another Mastery buff and Attack buff after using an elemental skill. If you’re using Kinich in a swell or burn team, which you should be, having the extra Elemental Mastery helps enhance the damage it deals even without having full Night Soul Points.
Kinich Artifacts from Genshin Impact
Obsidian Codex is the perfect build for Kinich, though you have other options if you want to try something different or are having trouble getting good stats.
Obsidian Codex
- Two-part effect: The character’s damage is increased by 15 percent while in the Night Soul’s Blessing state and on the battlefield.
- Four-Piece Effect: When the equipping character consumes 1 Night Soul Point, their Critical Hit Rate is increased by 40 percent for six seconds, and this can happen once per second
The only downside to this set is that Kinich profits Nightsoul Points while his ability is energetic and only uses them once. You’ll want to regularly fire off normal attacks while Kinich is grabbing an enemy to generate extra points and benefit from the Critical Hit Rate buff.
You can apply Memories of Deepwoodif you already have a good set.
- Two-part effect: Increases Dendro’s damage by 15 percent
- Four-Piece Effect: After an elemental skill or explosion from the character who equipped it hits an enemy, that enemy’s resistance to Dendro is reduced by 30 percent for eight seconds.

While his ability is energetic, Kinich’s normal attacks count as ability damage, so the only time the second buff won’t be energetic is between the cooldown of his ability and when he uses his damage burst.
If you’re having trouble with the Obsidian Codex or don’t want to apply a Burning team for Kinich, consider combining two pieces of this item with two pieces of Deepwood.
If you’re early in the game, you can combine two pieces of the Gambler skill (increases skill damage by 20 percent) and two pieces of the Gladiator’s Finale skill (increases attack by 18 percent).
Genshin Impact Kinich Statistics
Kinich needs offense, critical rate, and critical damage, and benefits from Dendro’s bonus damage, some elemental mastery, and energy boost to keep up with the high cost of his burst. His damage only scales on attack, so you don’t need to split stats or give too much elemental mastery. You can also ignore energy boost to a certain extent if you have an energy battery like Bennett on your team.
- Sands: Attack%
- Cup: Dendro Damage or Attack %
- Diadem: Critical Hit Rate or Critical Damage
Genshin Impact Kinich Teams
Kinich’s second passive talent, Price of Devastation, grants him seven points of Night Soul whenever his elemental ability deals damage to an enemy – remember that his normal attacks during combat also count as elemental ability damage. AND when that enemy takes burn or bloom damage. You can put Kinich on any team with good support, apply him for bloom triggers, or even replace Alhaitham with him if you only want to DPS Dendro. However, his optimal team will always have at least one Pyro supporting him.
Kinich’s team on fire
Bennett adds additional Pyro buffs, healing, energy, and offense, while Xiangling’s explosion helps spread Pyro across the battlefield. You can either deal with one of them or swap one for Thoma, though they work well together. Pyro’s elemental resonance gives Kinich a welcome attack boost.

Emilie helps Dendro be used more widely and gets a useful set of buffs when burn is present, but is more of a “nice to have” and not imperative. If you want to keep Dendro while Kinich is on cooldown, you can apply Yaoyao, Nahida, Baizhu, or even Collea, or you can fill that last slot with a Hydro character to have burn and evolve together.
Kinich’s team is growing
If you need a reminder of Dendro’s reactions, a burgeon is when a Pyro hits a bloom core, and the latter is when a Hydro meets up with a Dendro.
- Kinich
- Bennett, Thoma, Dehya or Xiangling
- Yelan, Furina or Xingqiu
- Free slot
Your free slot could include a second Pyro character for this resonance boost, or another Dendro character to make it easier to apply. Yelan, Furina, and Xingqiu are the best at applying Hydro without having to stay on the field, although you could bring in Barbara instead. She has the added benefit of healing your team, which you’ll need since momentum damages allies as well.
If you’re collecting Primogems and materials for future Genshin Impact banners, check out our updated Genshin Impact codes list to get free Primogems.