First impressions of the Diablo Immortal x World of Warcraft collaboration – “Chills, liches and demons, oh my god!”


  • The introduction of the Lich King and more to Diablo Immortal
  • Battle the Lich King in his Fallen Citadel
  • Get demon cosmetics, murlocs and cursed cosmetics

A crossover or collaboration is an art when these two elements need to be presented in such a way that they don’t immediately want to kill each other. Activision Blizzard has the advantage of having Diablo Immortal in one hand and Warcraft in the other, and they decided to pray.

This is how Diablo Immortal has been affected by the Eternal War – you know, except that it’s already Hell’s Eternal War with everyone else. The collaboration introduces a modern event that adds some of Warcraft’s most recognizable elements to the Diablo universe and gives you a chance to earn some of their merchandise.

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What’s happening with the Diablo Immortal x World of Warcraft collaboration?

Diablo and Warcraft are two of Activision Blizzard’s biggest brands that have been popular since the 1990s. It’s a bit strange that they didn’t form a band much earlier, but it’s not our job to question their path – ours is to just sit and play. Here’s a brief description of the main plots of both titles: In Diablo Immortal, people go out into the world to stop the forces of hell from gaining access to the World Stone, lest they do bad things to it.

World of Warcraft changes its main plot every few years, but one of the biggest was when humans banded together to stop a tyrant known as the Lich King from taking over the world. Thanks to this collaboration, the portals have opened, and the Lich King brings his conquest to the world of the Sanctuary of Diablo Immortal. It’s up to you and anyone brave enough to join the fight and get your hands on these handsome WoW cosmetics on display.

The glow of the Diablo Immortal x World of Warcraft collaboration

Demon Hunter.

You could say that when it comes to collaborations, people want two things: modern cosmetics and modern events. Well, the Diablo Immortal x World of Warcraft collaboration hasn’t left that out and has added a lot to the modern patch, which will take a few minutes to download. The collaboration introduces an event known as the Eternal War, where you visit the Fallen Citadel, the iconic location of the Lich King’s Frozen Throne, or jump into battles in Cutthroat Hollow (based on Arathi Basin) for a good aged fight.

Depending on what you like, you can choose PvE (Fallen Citadel) or PvP (Cutthroat Basin). Each of these is a circumscribed event that will give you a chance to earn specific cosmetic items, including Lich King items in the former and loyalty banners in the latter. If you take up the challenge of the Frozen Citadel, you’ll face a barrage of blizzards and undead, culminating in a grand encounter with the Lich King himself.

Cutthroat Basin will have you running around the battlefield, following your chosen faction, trying to defeat your opponents. If you’re just looking for frigid stuff, the Phantom Market has a rotation of Traitor’s Bonds that will make you look like a follower of the Night Elf Demon Hunter Illidan Stormrage. You can try your luck at obtaining a Murloc transmogrification for your familiar, or purchase a piece of Frostmourne’s legendary blade, Mourneskull, from the shop.

Of everything the collaboration has to offer, Fallen Citadel is the star of the show. This is a dungeon designed to test your resilience and determination as you fight your way through the fearless frosty. You are faced with a long corridor with bouts of blizzard that prevent you from approaching and drain your health. This is countered by legions of undead soldiers who will attack you while you wait for the winds to die down.

Pushing through to the end takes you to the Lich King’s throne room, where the great man himself declares dominion over this world, and only you stand in his way. It’s a challenging boss fight for the solo player and an electrifying test for the team as the Lich King uses his size, reach, open arena and power over the ice. His defense is formidable, and he will call upon his servants for lend a hand without shame. Even the best prepared will struggle – and that makes the fight all the more fierce and the victory sweeter.

Frictions related to the Diablo Immortal x World of Warcraft collaboration

Friend of the Murlocs.

As with any patch, especially one of this size, there are bound to be some issues. What makes the Diablo Immortal x World of Warcraft collaboration technical issues stand out is that it’s a circumscribed event, so there’s a chance that solving this issue will be less urgent.

The Frozen Tundra is where the Fallen Citadel is located – and there are some problems, namely gigantic plains of ice that your character will fall through, never to return. The Cutthroat Basin event is also complex to resolve. It has a rocky start, so either the event needs to be in good spirits or your setup needs to be flawless.

Generally speaking, do not attempt to apply this patch if you are unsure of your device’s Wi-Fi functionality. You’ll also need to trust the WiFi itself, as there’s a lot of content to download and your chances of getting a few frigid cosmetics are circumscribed. It would be a disappointment to go through all this and not end up with a Murloc fishing buddy.

Diablo Immortal x World of Warcraft collaboration awaits

The Lich King on his throne.

In terms of collaborations, the Diablo Immortal x World of Warcraft collaboration is solid. The same can’t be said on the technical side of things, but the Fallen Citadel dungeon is reliable, the battle with the Lich King is fun, and there’s a decent chance of getting those sweet Demon Hunter and Murloc cosmetics. If you can get a few other people together, you can recreate some of the magic that came with facing the Lich King for the first time before you grab his Frostmourne and hit Diablo in the face with it.

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