In case you haven’t heard, the PS5 Pro is a bit pricey. As outlined in a flurry of rightly stunned tweets and articles following the console’s reveal on Tuesday, it will cost at least $699.99/£699.99. So many people are asking, is it a no-brainer to just buy a PC?
Well, that very dilemma was just posed to Richard Leadbetter, founder of esteemed computer hardware company Digital Foundry, by IGN, and well, the answer isn’t as basic as “of course.”
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Still, Leadbetter cited a few “mitigating factors,” including not having to pay for a PayStation Plus subscription to play games online and save games to the cloud, and noted that as such, a thorough analysis of the relative costs of PS5 Pro versus PC on a yearly basis would be necessary to properly assess the situation.
He added: “We might be a little confused about what this is about, because if you think about what PS5 Pro is, it’s a device designed for new owners, for people who have a PlayStation 5 but have enough money to buy a better PlayStation 5. I think those guys will have an existing library of PS4 and PS5 titles, and in order to go from the PlayStation ecosystem to the PC ecosystem, you have to leave those titles, that entire library that you might have accumulated.”
Leadbetter believes this will be a “step too far” for many veteran PlayStation gamers, noting that it may not be as significant for those considering making the switch to PC from other platforms like Xbox.
He also added that due to the higher price of the PS5 Pro in some regions like Europe and Japan, the argument for moving to PC “becomes a little more compelling” for people in those parts of the world, and the fact that PCs aren’t as well-suited to a setup where you can play smoothly on the couch with a controller also plays a factor.
What do you think? Have you considered buying a PC instead of a PS5 Pro? Let us know below.