Upcoming remaster of Capcom’s slapstick survival horror game The Dead Uprising changes a lot, with updates to the game’s audio, a major graphical upgrade, and fixes to gameplay elements that may not hold up in 2024. One of those changes includes the removal of “Erotica” points, which players could earn by taking pictures of female body parts during the zombie outbreak.
In a video posted on Thursday: Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster producer Kei Morimoto and game director Ryosuke Murai left The Dead Uprising fans through some of the changes coming in the novel version. These updates include novel facial motion capture and fully voiced dialogue for Frank West and other characters — including a voice for Otis, the mall janitor.
One character, Larry Chiang, the Psychopath Butcher, has also been noticeably redesigned. His novel look presents him as a less racist stereotype, as you can see in the image slider below.
There are also a number of quality-of-life changes, including a energetic UI option, an on-screen indicator for weapon durability, and a streamer mode that plays unlicensed music to prevent copyright infringement. (And yes, Lifeseeker’s memorable song “Gone Guru” will return to Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.)
However, without returning to Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster this is the Erotica score that players could get by taking pictures with Frank West’s camera. This is according to the story Famitsuaccording to which the bonus points that players could earn for taking provocative photos of female survivors and zombies will not be available in the remastered version.
In the original The Dead UprisingPlayers’ in-game snapshots earn them Prestige Points (PP), based on certain thematic elements (Gore, Drama, Erotica, Horror, and Outtakes). Erotica PPs were awarded for taking pictures of women’s cleavage, bare midriffs, and underwear. If a certain photo had a high enough Erotica PP score, Frank’s nose would bleed, indicating that he was sexually aroused. The Erotica score was sometimes played for laughs; if Frank tried to take a picture of an older woman, Natalie, from above, the player would instead receive a Horror PP. (In the remaster, Natalie no longer wears a skirt. She wears pants.)
Capcom made similar changes in last year’s edition Resident Evil 4 remake. In the original version Resident Evil 4the developers made a joke about the player (as Leon) looking up Ashley’s skirt. This was changed for the remake, where Ashley wears shorts and attempts to leer at her are blocked by smarter camera angle choices.
Erotica PP result in The Dead Uprising had a restricted impact on the gameplay. In several side missions, known as Scoops in The Dead Uprisingthe player can achieve certain goals by taking photos with high Erotica scores. One of the missions, “Cheryl’s Request”, tasks Frank with taking many provocative photos of a woman who posed for him. Players receive an Erotica PP bonus for taking photos of her face and cleavage.
Polygon has reached out to Capcom for comment on how the removal of Erotica Points will impact these missions and other elements of the game. Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster. This post will be updated when the company responds.
Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster will be released for PlayStation 5, Windows PC, and Xbox Series X on September 19. Capcom will also release a physical edition of the game for PS5 and Xbox Series X on November 8.