Common Ground World has launched a recent event where you can earn $GALA


  • A recent $GALA competitive event is starting at Common Ground World.
  • Players have 3 days to compete for the leaderboard with prizes worth almost $1 million GALA.
  • The event focuses on crafting and selling Magic Rings, which provide a significant boost in star count.

On November 12, 2024 Common world of earth has launched its latest competition, promising stimulating prizes for the best players.

With almost 1 million $GALA A total of 1,200 top players on the leaderboard will receive rewards in this recent edition of the event.

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Over three days, players must compete to earn the most points starsthe main scoring system in the game, by creating and selling recent ones Magic Rings.

This competition is part of a series of weekly events in Common world of earthAND Blockchain game about building a farm where players face challenges and weekly events to win $GALA prizes.

The original source With information comes from Gala Games official website, which describes the competition and its rules in detail.

The main focus of this event is crafts Magic Ringsthat require ingredients such as gold, silverAND mystical matter. Each ring sold provides a significant amount of money star enhancementmaking these items the key to reaching the top places.

Players will not only compete for starsbut they will also be able to benefit from it cash injections when selling the necessary ingredients for crafts Magic Rings.

Ingredients such as gold, silverAND copper are part of a prize system that offers significant cash prizes during competitions.

For example, gold can generate up to $14,640, one sec silver AND copper they also offer significant rewards.

This adds an additional layer of event strategyas players must decide which ingredients to sell to maximize their earnings and climb the leaderboard.

Common Ground World has launched a new event where you can earn $GALA

Additional opportunities for Common world of earth Players

Throughout this month, Common world of earth also offers additional opportunities to its faithful players.

All energetic players will receive a special offer NFTs for participating this month NFTs existence Lettuce storagean item that will likely provide additional benefits in the game.

Moreover, upcoming events on the platform are already planned and have stimulating topics such as recent ones alcoholic drinks ia Thanksgiving classic, keeping players engaged in the game throughout the month.

As for what’s recent in the store, launch The Legendary Wizard’s Cottage this is one of the main attractions for players who want to improve their performance in the game.

This NFTswhich provides improvements in magic production AND workers movementpromises to be a valuable investment for those looking to improve their gameplay. With only 400 units available, this item is exclusive and occasional, making it even more attractive to the most dedicated players.

To summarize, this week’s event in Common world of earth promises to be one of the most stimulating of the year, with significant prizes, recent magical itemsand a dynamically developing community.

Players have a unique chance to win $GALA prizes, improve your game skills and, most importantly, enjoy the competition and fun. If you haven’t tried this game yet, now is the perfect time to join in and start competing.

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