Yanagi, the first five-star premium agent in Section 8 of Zenless Zone Zero, has made a splash in the community with her unique gameplay. As a character, Yanagi is much more elaborate than most players, but if you want to play her to her greatest potential, here’s everything you need to know.
Yanagi’s best compilation in Zenless Zone Zero
Jumping right in, Yanagi is there Electrical anomaly a character on which a lot of emphasis is placed Shock DoT (damage over time) AND Damage on the pitch. Due to his combo-heavy nature, Yanagi wants to stay on the field for as long as possible while you keep switching between the rest of your team to apply the appropriate buffs and debuffs. While she plays the standard main DPS role, her kit is very elastic due to its non-static nature. Compared to all the other characters in Zero Zone Zero, she’s a elaborate character, but played properly allows her to transcend any game content.
Yanagi’s game plan
The complexity of Yanagi’s kit is revealed when implementing her ideal game plan, which consists of several moving parts and features. Rather than explain it in one enormous paragraph, I’ll break it down for your clarity. The following is inside priority order for Yanaga’s goals when she is in play.
Polar disorder
When Yanagi uses his EX-Special, he is able to employ a special version of the standard Discord mechanic called Polar disorder to all enemies suffering from the Anomaly. When Polar Disturbance is activated, it will deal 15% of the energetic Anomaly’s total damage plus an additional percentage (based on Yanagi’s Anomaly Proficiency) to targets hit.

Unlike standard Disruption, Polar Disruption does not remove the Anomaly from the enemy, allowing Yanagi to apply the effect in quick succession provided he has enough Energy. Polar Disturbance also activates upon any anomaly, including shock, meaning Yanagi can do this apply Shock on the enemy and trigger Polar Disturbance yourself– a contrast to the standard playing style of the Anomaly team.
You want to land as many Polar Disturbances as possible in the Anomaly windows to make the most of Yanaga’s damage. Polar Disorder is entirely unique to Yanaga and is the source of most of her injuries, hence its importance on this priority list.

Changing Attitudes: Jougen and Kagen
Yanagi has two special stances that he uses to deal damage outside of Polar Disturbance. These attitudes are there Jougen AND Cake.
- Jougen (Blue) – Increases Yanagi’s electric damage by 10%. Faster attacks, longer string, longer animation lock.
- Cake (Yellow) – Increases Yanagi’s PEN by 10%. Slow attacks, shorter string, shorter animation lock.
Yanagi has different attack chains in Jougen and Kagen, and you can swap the stance he’s in by pressing the Special button at any time. You can always tell which stance Yanagi is in the color of her braid. More importantly, when Yanagi switches positions, he will retains the effects of the inactive Stance for an additional eight seconds. The idea is to change postures often enough to maintain Both strengthening your posture at all times.

Additionally, when Yanagi changes his posture during third, fourth or fifth part of her basic attack chain, her next attack will be sped up, allowing Yanagi to attack faster than normal while also skipping the start of her thrust. This also ensures that Yanagi only deals electrical damage and not physical damage, which is the case during First AND second fragments of the basic sequence. Additionally, during this swap, Yanagi can evaporate any attack that hits her during the animation.
I know it’s a lot to take in, but it’s a lot easier to take in when you play her yourself. If something is unclear, I really recommend taking Yanagi to the Training Room to practice her moves and familiarize yourself with her game plan.
The best drive disks for Yanagi in Zenless Zone Zero

Yanagi is An anomaly that thrives on shocking its enemies, so it appreciates it ATK% AND anomaly skill (AP) above all other statistics. That said, PEN% becomes a very valuable statistic for her if you already have other sources.
- Disc 4 – AP or ATK%. Remember that ATK% should only be used if you have good AP sub-stats.
- Disc 5 – ATK% or Electric DMG%. PEN Ratio% is an option if you already have other sources of statistics.
- Disc 6 – ATK%
Yanagi are two main drive disks Chaos jazz AND Thunder of Metaland which one you should apply on her depends on the type of team you’re playing her on.

If you’re playing Yanagi with a focus on applying standard disruption, apply Chaos jazz because that will deal the most damage to her. Just make sure you run a second, different Anomaly character with her.
Since Yanagi has access to Polar Disorder, she is not strictly associated with running on Team Disorder’s pure lineup and can instead be a headliner on the all-electric team’s lineup. In this case Thunder of Metal he pulls forward as much as Yanagi allows permanently gain 28% attack bonus from shocked enemies.
Best W-engines for Yanagi at Ground Zero Without Zen

Yanagi has a solid selection of W-engines that it can apply effectively. Without a doubt, its own distinctive W engine, Time Weaver this is her best option. However, if her signature is out of reach, here are some sturdy alternatives.
- Fusion Compiler – Fusion Complier is the second best option and a 5-star W engine, which means it gives her a higher base attack. Her base % PEN value means you should prioritize % PEN for her loadout and team composition.
- Electro-lip gloss – Yanagi naturally has excellent anomaly build-up, which means the effects of this W-Engine will be energetic almost all the time. A good four-star option with the W engine.
If you don’t have access to any of these three W engines, I highly recommend you reconsider pulling out the Yanagi until you do. These are definitely her most viable options.
The best mindscapes for Yanagi at Ground Zero Without Zen
In M0, Yanagi is a sedate powerhouse in the industry Zen-free ground zero meta thanks to her ability to apply the Disturbance mechanic through her own Polar Disturbance. This means that her Mindscapes are largely unnecessary. That said, if you really like Yanagi’s gameplay and want to vertically invest in her Mindscapes, know that your best stopping point will be M2. But for your clarity, here are all six, detailed.

- Know yourself, know your enemy (M1) – When Anomaly activates on an enemy, Yanagi gains a charge of Transparency. With Transparency, if hit, she ignores the attack and becomes immune to all damage for one second. Additionally, while he has at least one charge of Transparency, he gains an 80 AP bonus. This is a decent damage boost, but the real strength is in her survivability. She can hold up to three charges of Transparency at a time, making her extremely resilient in hard situations.
- Excellent adaptability (M2) – This Mindscape gives her EX-Special additional functionality. When held, Yanagi will perform additional EX-Special thrusts, each for 10 additional energy. Each additional push increases the polar disturbance multiplier. Yanagi’s Polar Disturbance also deals 20% of the Anomaly effect, instead of the standard 15%. This Mindscape greatly increases Yanaga’s power and is her most essential. The best stop.
- Tsukishiro Style Management (M3) – A solid, all-around damage boost to her standard moveset. More damage is always nice, but far from required.
- Castle Master (M4) – When Yanagi inflicts Smite on an enemy, they experience the Reveal effect, which rewards her team with an additional 16% PEN. Very good, but exceptional when compared to other PEN Ratio sources such as Rina and Fusion Compiler.
- “Another Mother” (M5) – It’s the same as the M3.
- Inhuman Blood (M6) – This is a greatly enhanced version of Yanagi’s M2, with the added effect of increasing the duration of her Shinrabanshou buff to 30 seconds. Overall, this is a ridiculously sturdy M6, which only makes her game plan even easier to execute.
Best Team Comps for Yanagi in Zenless Zone Zero
Yanagi has several team compositions due to the time required on the field.

This is Team Yanagi’s strongest squad and functions like a standard Disturbance team. Yanagi is the primary damage dealer, and Burnice is the sub-DPS, dealing damage outside of the burn and burn box. Caeser provides a constant attack to 1000 characters on the field (which is Yanagi most of the time), while also supporting her with a shield mechanic.

This is Yanagi’s strongest mono-electric lineup, and they focus on having Yanagi on the field almost all the time. In this team, Yanagi will create constant polar disturbances, gaining the shock status that she herself causes. Caeser is here to give her a large attack buff and a shield. Rina is present to activate Yanagi’s passive, while also activating her own and providing an additional % PEN.