How to Get Free Solar Synthesis Energy and Lunar Synthesis Energy Using Cheats in Pokémon Go


Solar Fusion Energy and Lunar Fusion Energy are a key part of obtaining Necrozma’s Twilight Mane and Dawn Wing forms in Pokémon Go.

In addition to having the required Pokémon (Necrozma and either Solgalego or Lunala), you also need the correct Energy specific to the form of Necrozma you’re trying to create via Fusion.

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The biggest opportunity to earn Solar Fusion Energy and Lunar Fusion Energy will be during Go Fest Global 2024 (specifically on Sunday, July 14), but there is a way to get a head start by grabbing free Fusion Energy codes before the event.

Free Codes for Solar Fusion Energy and Lunar Fusion Energy

Photo: Niantic / The Pokémon Company

As part of an Instagram promotion, developer Niantic is giving away codes that grant free Solar Synthesis Energy and Lunar Synthesis Energy every other day.

Codes and URL to operate them on the official website Pokémon Go code redemption page are as follows:

  • Tuesday, July 9: LFR5CQZ7852CP (100 Solar Fusion Energy)
  • Wednesday, July 10: PQV2VFB9LD46E (100 solar fusion energy from the moon)
  • Thursday, July 11: TBC (100 Solar Fusion Energy)
  • Friday, July 12: TBC (Solar and Lunar Fusion Energy)

It’s unclear whether the codes expire after each day or will be energetic throughout the Go Fest Global weekend and beyond – so to be safe and sound, redeem each code as soon as possible.

How to Get Solar Fusion Energy and Lunar Fusion Energy in Pokémon Go

We take a look at Necrozma's evolution screen in Pokémon Go.

Photo: Niantic / The Pokémon Company

Starting in July 2024 (when Go Fest Global takes place), all players will be able to obtain Solar Fusion Energy and Lunar Fusion Energy in three ways:

  • Redeeming promotional codes leading to the event (see above)
  • During the air raids on Sunday, July 14, defeating Dusk Mane Necrozma (for Solar Fusion Energy) and Dawn Wings Necrozma (for Lunar Fusion Energy)
  • Completion of branching studies as part of a paid ticket to Go Fest Global on Sunday, July 14 (day 2), as well as the opportunity to purchase Solgaleo or Lunula with a special background

Additionally, for those who attended Go Fest Madrid, Sendai or New York CityYou should already have 1000 Solar or Lunar Fusion Energy from completing event-exclusive research, depending on which path you choose.

At the time of writing, it is uncertain how much Fusion Energy you will earn through raids and branch research within Go Fest Global.

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