Hooray, Roblox’s virtual IKEA opens today, and the jobs it offered brought in “over 178,000” applications


Your prayers have been answered. A fully functional virtual IKEA – yes, the Swedish flat-pack furniture store – opens today on Roblox, with ten people landing the positions on offer. In case you’re wondering, these positions received “over 178,000” applications.

If you’re out of the loop, first of all, I’m very sorry. Secondly, we discussed that IKEA originally posted a job alert for this Roblox store earlier this month. The basics were uncomplicated. If you’re over 18, live in the UK and Ireland and like the idea of ​​being paid the same as someone working at one of London’s IKEAs, you can apply to facilitate others choose furniture and/or serve meatballs on Roblox.

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IKEA says it received “over 178,000 applications during the two-week application period” for these ten concerts, which certainly means a lot of people. But wait a minute. Here at VG247 we put massive numbers into context. So even if we assume, as I do, that at least one in ten of all applications are people who applied as a joke – probably after being talked into it by colleagues – that would only be around 17,800. That’s not including the 178,000 applications that , as we know IKEA got, there would still be 160,200 requests left from people who really wanted to serve virtual meatballs.

I’m not sure what conclusion to draw from this, other than that the UK labor market may be in even more dire trouble than I already knew. Either way, well done to these ten people who hopefully secured a decent bag.

“I’m looking forward to trying something up-to-date. I’ve never done anything like this before and I hope there will be more opportunities like this again,” said one of IKEA’s new Roblox employees, Yasmin, “I just know it’s going to be so much fun and I still can’t believe I was chosen.”

If you want to spend tonight browsing a virtual IKEA in Roblox, you can check out the Co-Worker Game Here. If it reaches 7,000 likes, it looks like IKEA will be giving away hats inspired by its adorable shark, the iconic Blahaj, so that’s frosty.

If you like Roblox, you can check out our regularly updated pages of codes for everything from Elemental Dungeons Simulator to Pet Catchers.

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