Welcome to Jungle of Crypto, a Play-to-Earn (P2E) social experiment designed to bring transparency and fairness back to cryptocurrency trading. Here you can place trades, earn Jocs, climb the leaderboards, and most importantly, build your reputation in a see-through trading community. Our Telegram bot makes it straightforward to get started, trade with confidence, and showcase your skills to the world. In this post, we’ll walk you through a video that shows you exactly how our bot works so you can jump right into the action.
In this video, you’ll get a full rundown of the Jungle of Crypto bot in action. From generating AI-powered trades to managing your positions and tracking your progress on the leaderboard, we’ve packed it all into one convenient guide. Here’s what you can expect:
- First steps:
Setting up the bot is really straightforward. Just search for “Jungle of Crypto Bot” in Telegram or open the bot link: https://t.me/jungleofcrypto_botThen just press /start to start your journey. It’s that elementary! You’ll be ready to start making trades and earning Jocs in no time. - Create AI-powered transactions:
Trade creation is AI-integrated, making it effortless. Simply type in a trade idea, e.g. “Long BTC with take profit at $62k and stop at $57k” and let the AI do the work. The bot will set up the trade for you, and if successful, you’ll earn Jocs. Simple, right? - Managing your positions:
Managing your trades is straightforward. You can see all your open trades by typing “/positions”. If you decide to close the trade, all you have to do is click the button and if it is profitable, you earn Jocs!! For example, if you close an ETH trade with a profit of 5.78%, you will earn 5.78 Jocs for that trade. The point is to make smart moves and earn money on your way to the top. Climbing the Ranking:
The leaderboard is where the real competition takes place. By being active, posting trades, making profitable trades, and referring your friends to the bot, you earn Jocs. It’s a fair system where everyone has the same chance to succeed – you don’t need a lot of start-up capital or social influence to get to the top. However, being at the beginning is a big advantage, so start climbing now!Discovering key insights:
As the community grows, the bot will offer more key insights. You will be able to see other traders’ positions, discover top performers based on clear metrics, and gain access to more features and data as the platform evolves. This will help you make informed decisions and stay ahead in your trading game.
The Jungle of Crypto bot is currently in beta and our community is just starting to form. We are committed to improving the platform based on your feedback, with many new features planned. Your participation is crucial as we build this community together and shape the future of Jungle of Crypto.
Ready to start your journey? Watch the video to see how easy it is to use the Jungle of Crypto bot and join our social media: