Deltarune Chapters 3 and 4 are complete except for the locations


Sub-story AND Delta Rune Developer Toby Fox has released an update for the highly anticipated game Deltarune Chapters 3 and 4He says the chapters are already completed and are in the process of being localized for each region they will be released in.

In Fox’s latest update on Deltarune Chapters 3 and 4explained that the game will go on sale as soon as it appears Deltarune Chapter 4 has been completed. While his blog post explains his overall development work for both of these chapters, they are not yet finished and ready for sale. He anticipates that Deltarune Chapter 3 will be ready for proper testing in mid-October, and that he will know more about where Deltarune Chapter 4 is in the next blog update I will publish.

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I’m not ready for your eyes yet

Photo courtesy of Toby Fox

According to Fox, the content for Deltarune Chapter 3 was completed a while ago. As of this writing, 8-4, a Japanese localization company, is working on translating the game. Their job is to make sure every line is displayed correctly in Japanese. Then, in mid-October, the plan is to start testing the game on PC to see if everything is ready for the full release or if additional work is needed.

Deltarune Chapter 4 is much further behind, but its development also occurred later Chapter 3so that’s to be expected. Content for both Chapter 3 and 4 was completed by September 1, 2024, which was an internal goal set by Fox and other team members. Chapter 4 it may need a few huge fixes here and there, but the bulk of the work that needs to be done is Japanese localization. That will happen as soon as Chapter 3 is ready for players, with initial testing already underway.

So far, Fox explains that six people have participated in the game Deltarune Chapter 4and everyone enjoyed it. This is all fine, and the previous titles, Sub-story included, really speak for themselves. But it would still be best to withhold judgment on how good each chapter is until you play them yourself.

The final development detail from this blog post, which also includes a long list of gadgets you can buy to celebrate Sub-story9th anniversary, that’s a curiosity Deltarune Chapter 5. Don’t get too excited. While yes, this chapter is already in the works, it’s a transition project for those who have finished work elsewhere. It’s a great start, but we won’t see a fifth chapter anytime soon.

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