The war within is quickly approaching its August 26 release date. (August 23 if you pre-order the Epic Edition of the game.) If you want to be in the best shape possible for launch, there are a few things you should do beforehand. Check out this list of ten things to do and get ready for your trip to Khaz Algar.
10. Free T-shirt Day
When you get to Khaz Algar, it might not be a bad idea to look a little more diplomatic and casual. Showing up in full armor can send the wrong message to potential recent allies, you know? There’s no better way to get the best casual gear than on August 16th. It’s Free Shirt Day! Look for NPCs wandering around capitals firing free shirts from a cannon that anyone can pick up.
9. Check out Warbands

There are a lot of recent things in the game with the main expansion before the patch. One of the most noticeable features is the addition of Warbands. You can read about them in our guide, here . But one of the best things you can focus on is setting up a Warband bank. It’s kind of like a guild bank for your personal account. You can apply it to organize everything between your characters much easier. This will make it easier to share items between your characters, as well as store items like reagents instead of sending them in the mail. You can also transfer certain currencies between characters to aid with last-minute changes Flight of the Dragon shopping!
8. Make the most of your professions

It’s not too delayed to max out your professions, though it will take a lot of dedication if you haven’t already. Many professions can still bring in really good money on the Auction House before the recent expansion. Crafting is currently an extremely profitable source of gold. And if you haven’t been there in a while Flight of the DragonThis might be a good time to learn how the recent profession systems work. That way, you’ll be ready to jump right into Khaz Algar’s unique professions.
7. Complete your travel journal

If you have been away from Wow for a while you may not know about Traveler’s Log. You will find a recent Trader’s store in every major city. They sell very exclusive goods that change every month. The only way to buy this unique collection is through a currency called Trader’s Tenders. You will immediately receive a set of 500 every month for visiting Traders. The remaining 500 that you can earn each month is made through Traveler’s Log.
When you open your Adventure Journal (Ctrl+J by default), you should see the Traveler’s Journal tab. There will be a list of activities you can do to earn points. These points reward you with a tender, which you can track at the top. There’s also a unique reward for completing a monthly journal. Currently, the pre-patch event is a great way to earn the most tender, but any type of activity works.
6. Catch up and get to know all the stories

You’ll get a really good summary of what’s going on because Legion when you log in Wow after the pre-patch. But there’s a lot more that happened than they could possibly cover there. Find out where you are in the story quests in your quest log and try to get through what’s left. Or, if you’re compact on time, you can find a good summary on YouTube. Many people like Nobbel87’s, but I personally recommend watching videos PlatinumWoW. You can be up to date, but there’s still something recent to prepare for The war within. Blizzard has released a compact animation to aid flesh out some of the upcoming game’s plot. expansion.
5. What are Emerald Dreams made of?

The last major content patch for Flight of the Dragon was the Emerald Dream storyline. The recent zone offers a recent quest hub with a ton of things to do. Dreamwardens is a recent reputation you can earn to unlock some nippy mounts, pets, and decent gear. There’s also the newest raid, Amirdrasil, if you want to see the conclusion to the main story. It’s one of the most crowded quest hubs in the expansion, which makes it well worth spending time in.
4. Transmogrification Station

Some collect weapons and armor for their stats, and some collect them for their looks. If you’re like me, there’s never been a better time to fish out recent looks in senior content. The Warband system lets you collect looks for any armor or weapon on any character. Even if your priest finds a plate helmet, it’ll be added to your collection when you sell or disenchant it. So find senior raids and start building up your collection now! You’ll want to make a stylish first impression on the locals when we reach Khaz Algar later this month.
3. New characters

Maybe you’re just tired of the same senior hunter and his traps. Have you always wanted to try Warlock? Or maybe it’s finally time to finish leveling that 28th druid you’ve always wanted to finish. Well, now’s one of the best times to level a recent character. You have two main options. First, create a character in Mists of Pandaria Remix (more on that below) and get started. Creating a recent character and reaching max level is a piece of cake. You won’t be able to apply them in the main game until the event ends on August 19th, but they’ll be ready to go when they launch.
Alternatively, the Radiant Echoes Pre-Patch Event is a great way to level up any character. I recommend grouping up with higher leveled players to aid with survival. The experience gain is incredible and well worth the time. Especially if you have another buff like the current Darkmoon Faire buff “Weee!”. It grants an additional 10% experience gain buff.
2. Mists of Pandaria Remix

One of the coolest things added to Wow in the last few years it is the last Mists of Pandaria: Remix mode. An alternative to leveling, you create a recent character that goes to Pandaria. But this isn’t just your normal Timewalking leveling experience. This character will earn exclusive gear, items, and currency to progress through a simplified version of the content. It’s speedy, frantic, and damn fun.
If you’re interested, we’ve got a few guides. Check this one out to find out how to collect all the unique mounts in this mode. But be quick, it ends August 19.
1. Radiant Echoes Pre-Patch Event

Right now, a huge pre-launch event is taking place in the game world. It can aid you catch up and earn exclusive rewards. We have a whole guide on that right here . But if you want to prepare for The war withinthis is the best way. You will receive gear that will augment your item level, allowing you to participate in raids or other current content.
Whether you want to power up a recent character or boost your current one, there’s nothing more worthwhile. Help solve the mystery of Azeroth’s memories and start earning loot. It’s time to prepare for The war within.